December 19th

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Wanna know what happened on December 18th? Check out AllyMaii :)

Alexander POV

„Do you notice something?" Magnus asked, while I was sitting on the Sofa. I had a newspaper in my hand but right now, I looked at Magnus.

„No?" I answered. Magnus pointed to the empty space next to me. I looked at him confused.

„Don't you think there's something missing?" he asked and I shrugged.

„How should I know? Did your plant die?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

„Think about it, Alexander. We still need one important thing." he said but I just frowned. He sighed. „A christmas tree, Alexander! A christmas tree!!" he said loudly. Oh, that's what he meant.

„What's with it?" I asked. Where was he going with this conversation?

„We don't have one." Magnus answered.

„Yeah, I see." I let him know and he gave himself a facepalm. I was so confused.

„We need one, so we'll get one today." he explained. Ohhh, now I get it. Why didn't he just say that. I put the newspaper away and stood up.

„Let's go then." I said and he grinned. „Why are you grinning?" I asked confused. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I love it when he does this, even though his hand are frozen. I just enjoyed every touch of him. Who would have thought I would ever think like that?

„Because I remember how unmotivated you were in the beginning." he said. I shrugged with a smile and pulled him closer.

„I'm fine with everything, as long as I spend time with you." I said and he blushed a bit. I never thought that he could blush. Normally I blush a lot.

„Fine, come on." he said and let go of me. Together we put on our warm jackets and shoes. He grabbed the car key and we got into to the car.

I never bought a christmas tree before because my parents did that. I never thought it's necessary, but I guess it's just the tradition.

When we arrived, I saw a lot of tree's. We got out of the car and I looked around. Magnus watched me in amusement.

„How do we find the right one?" I asked and Magnus took me by my hand.

„We'll know when we see him." he explained and started to walk. He pulled me with him, so I just followed him. We went through all these tree's and you could really see, the differences.

„What about this one?" I asked as I stopped in front of a tree. I think it was beautiful. It was really really green. It was big, but not too big. It even seemed soft. Magnus smiled.

„It's perfect." he answered and I smiled. I was glad he liked it. „Wait here!" he said and ran away. What was he doing? Shortly after he came back with a handsaw.

„Wait - we have to cut it ourselves?" I asked. He nodded proudly. Oh wow, I didn't know that.

„What? Are you too weak for that?" he asked provocative. I frowned and dropped my jaw dramatically.

„Wha- me and weak? Give me the handsaw and watch me!" I said. He laughed and gave it to me. I kneeled down and started to saw.

It was exhausting and it felt like it took me an eternity. Magnus helped me as well and when we were down, we picked it up proudly.

„See? It's done!" I said. Magnus laughed and came up to me. He kissed me softly and smiled.

„My hero." he said and I smiled. How can someone make me so happy? „Come on! We have to put it onto the car." he told me. Oh, yeah right.

We picked up the tree and brought it to the car. Luckily Magnus had some ropes with him to fix it. It didn't take us that long and soon we got bring it back home.

As soon as we arrived at home, we put it down again. Together, we brought it into the house. It was a bit difficult but not impossible. When the tree was standing, Magnus gave me a high five.

„We're an awesome team!" he said and I nodded. That's true, we are. I looked at him dreamily while he was looking at the tree. When he looked at me, I cleared my throat and looked away. I hope he didn't notice me staring at him.

„And what now? Decorating?" I asked and Magnus shook his head.

„We'll save that for another day." he said. I nodded. I'm sure he knows what's best.

„And what now?" I asked. The sun was already going down, but it wasn't late. We still had time to do something. Magnus smiled and came closer.

„How about a movie night?" he asked. I grinned. That sounded great. Me and Magnus on the sofa watching movies together. What could be better?

„I love that idea. Should I order pizza?" I asked and he nodded while he was rubbing his belly. I laughed and took my phone. „Salami?" I asked and he nodded. I knew it.

„I'll make a hot chocolate for us." he said as he stormed to the kitchen.

After I ordered the pizza, I went to the kitchen. He was just putting whipped cream on the got chocolate. Also, he put on some marshmallows.

„It looks delicious." I said and he startled. He probably didn't hear me. He put his hand on his chest.

„I almost had a heart attack!" he said and I laughed. I wrapped my hand around him from behind and put my chin on his shoulder. He sighed satisfied.

„I would never let that happen." I said and he giggled.

„As if you have an influence on that." he stated. I shrugged and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I let go of him and together we went to the living room and sat down at the sofa.

He started a movie, called „Let it Snow". I never watched it before because it was probably a new one.

We threw the blanket on us and got close to each other. Magnus put his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him. My hand went through his hair and he sighed satisfied.

„I'm glad you're here." he mumbled and I felt my heart melting. I kissed him softly on his head.

„Me too." I answered.

Christmas battle - Malec's POVWhere stories live. Discover now