December 5th

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Hellooo! The 5th door of the calendar wohooo - You wanna know what happened on the 4th? Check out the new chapter at AllyMaii account <3

Alexander POV

I sat at the table with Magnus and we had lunch. We already opened the fifth door of the calendar together and it was again just chocolate. I don't get why people do this.

„I hope it tastes okay." Magnus said while eating noodles. It's still a bit awkward between us but I like him. He seems very nice to me, even though this while christmas thing is kinda annoying.

He actually looks attractive and I like the way he talks. His voice is calm and you could listen to him the whole day and you wouldn't get tired of it. I wonder if likes me too or he just wants these days to be over.

„Um, yeah. They are great." I said. He smiled and nodded. „So what are our plans today?" I asked. I didn't really know what we have to do these past few days.

„Well, since you were with your parents yesterday, we need to decorate the apartment today." he said. Oh, yeah, we still have all these decoration.

Yesterday I visited my parents. I told him what we're doing and they really liked it. They can't really believe that I will celebrate Christmas. I can't blame them because I can't even believe it myself.

„Will that take long?" I asked while eating the last bite of my noodles. He grinned.

„Depends on how much you will gripe." he answered and got up. I rolled my eyes and got up as well. We both brought our plates to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.

Magnus left the kitchen, while I was cleaning it a bit. After some minutes he came back with a big box. As far as I could see it was the decoration. Oh, it didn't seem that much two days ago.

„I guess we can start!" he said happily. „Take these!" he said and gave me some decoration stuff in my hand.

„And what am I supposed to do with that?" I asked overwhelmed. Magnus laughed and pointed to a commode.

„Just put these stuff somewhere here, where you think it looks good." he said. I nodded and turned to it.

I did this some time and when I didn't have anything anymore, I took new stuff out of the box.

„Hey, can you help me over here?" Magnus asked after a while. I turned to him and saw that he was trying to put on a light string. I walked over to him and took it on the other side.

„So, how have you been celebrating your Christmas before?" I asked while he was trying to fix it. He didn't look at me because he seemed really concentrated.

„What do you mean?" he asked. „Ouch!" he said and looked at his finger.

„Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded.

„Um, yeah I just cut my finger with the nail." he said. I looked at his finger and it seemed to bleed. I lay down the light string and walked into the kitchen.

I remember I saw a plaster while I was cleaning the kitchen a bit. When I found them, I took one and went back to Magnus. I reached for his hand and when our hands touched he looked at me and I looked at him. We were having long eye contact until I cleared my throat. I put the plaster on his wound and he pulled his hand away.

„Um, thank you." he said a little shy. Wait, shy? Since when is Magnus shy? I went back to the other side again of the light string and held it up. „So, what were we talking about?" he asked.

„I meant, did you celebrate with someone special?" I asked. Now he looked at me and grinned.

„Do you mean if I was in a relationship?" he asked. I immediately blushed, so I averted my eyes.

„Um, y-yeah or just family." I said. Magnus laughed and looked back to what he was doing before.

„I celebrated with my best friend, Catarina last year." he answered. „I didn't really have anyone else." he added.

„What is with your family?" I asked. He let go of the light string and walked over to me to fix the other side. I stepped aside.

„Well, my mother died when I was young and my father doesn't live here." he said. „And it's good that he doesn't live here because he hasn't been the greatest father." he told me. Suddenly I felt sad for him. I didn't think he would have such a background story.

„I'm sorry." I said and he shook his head.

„Don't be. It's been years and at least I still have my friends." he said. „Also this year, I'll celebrate with you, Izzy and Simon so I'm not alone." he said. I grinned.

„Well but you're with two people who don't even like Christmas." I told him. He laughed and shrugged.

„That doesn't matter. I like you and it's all that matters." he answered. So he liked me too. That was good, I guess. When he was done he stepped back and turned in the light string. He smiled proudly. It looked actually really good, but I still don't get why people do this. I mean you'll have to put it away again as well.

„So where is the advent wreath?" he asked. I pointed to the dining table.

„I put it here, but I couldn't find any candles for it." I said and he nodded. He left the room, so I just waited here. He came back with four red candles. He walked over to the advent wreath and put them on it.

„Why red?" I asked. He smiled.

„It is the color of love and that's what Christmas is about." he said and I looked at him confused. „It's about giving love to everyone and spending with people you care about." he added. I just nodded.

„So are we done?" I asked exhausted. Magnus laughed and shook his head.

„We still have to put all these light strings on outside of the house." he said and took the box. „Come on!" he said and I sighed. Together we went outside and started to put the light strings on.

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