December 9th

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Gooood Morning!
You wanna know what happened on the December 8th? Check out AllyMaii <3

Alexander POV

I sat in my room, well actually Magnus' guest room and was thinking. It was around 12 a.m. Today was the December 9th so it means that it was Magnus' birthday yesterday and I didn't even know.

When we had breakfast, he left his ID-card on the table and I saw his birth date. I can't believe I didn't even congratulate him. I'm such a bad friend. Are we even friends? I mean, I would say so. I like him and I think he likes me too, even though I'm a bit grumpy sometimes.

The weird thing is, that he didn't even mention it, like not at all. Also, no one was here to congratulate him. Now I feel really bad. Did nobody remember his birthday?

I had to do something nice for him, but what? I walked through my room until an idea came into my mind. I walked outside the room and grabbed my jacket and my shoes.

„Alexander?" I heard Magnus yell from the living room. „Where are you going?" he asked and came up to me. Crap, what am I supposed to say now?

„Um, my mom called, she needs my help with something. I'll be back soon." I said. He looked at me with a skeptical expression but nodded. I left the house.

I took the next subway to the city. I didn't like to go to the at christmas time since there are so many people who need presents for their children. I guess now I just have to get through this.

I got off the subway and searched for a bakery. I'm not sure, if they really have a birthday cake, but maybe something similar. Luckily, there weren't a lot of people. Just like in any other shop, there was christmas music.

„Hello sir, how can I help you?" asked a woman  who worked there. She seemed friendly.

„Hi, well I need a birthday cake." I admitted. She looked around but shook her head.

„I'm really sorry, we don't have one." she said. „But may I offer you a christmas cake?" she asked. A christmas cake? Who would buy a christmas cake on the 9th December? Anyways, better than nothing.

„Yeah, well then I'll take this one I guess." I said. She nodded with a smile, packaged the cake and gave it to me. I gave her the money and thanked her.

Okay, so this is done. Now I need a little present. What could Magnus possibly like? Now I remembered. When we were shopping, to get some christmas decoration, there was a ring he really liked. Usually, Magnus wears a lot of jewelry so why not?

Would it be weird to buy him a ring? I mean isn't that a thing normally only couples do? Nevermind, I wouldn't have another idea.

I went all the way to the shop, where he saw the ring, to buy it. Unfortunately I realized, that it's not really cheap. I mean it wasn't as expensive as a ring for a proposal so I can afford it.

With these two things, I went back to the subway. I hoped Magnus' will be happy about it. Wasn't he sad, when no one remembered his birthday? I mean I have my family and they always celebrated with me. I couldn't imagine not doing that.

When I arrived, I got off and started to walk home. It was really cold but it wasn't snowing. It didn't snow at all yet. I'm glad that I took my scar with me because without him, I would probably freeze to death.

When I got home, I noticed that Magnus' car wasn't here anymore. Where did he go? I opened the door, got rid of my shoes and jacket and went to the living room. It was empty so he really wasn't here.
I took out my phone to message him.


Where are you?

I was bored, so I drove
to the park. Why do
you ask?

Oh, I was just curious.

When will you be back?

Not sure, in like
20 minutes?


I put my phone away. It was actually good because now I could prepare everything. Now it will be even more surprise.

I took the cake and put it one the table. I searched for candles and put them on the cake. I had the ring with me, so I could give it to him later on.

I also turned on the light strings so it looks more beautiful. I didn't know why but I was really nervous. I was kinda scared he wouldn't like it but why would he?

I startled when I heard the door. He's here, I thought. I could exactly hear what he was doing. Now he was taking off his jacket and shoes. I heard him coming nearer, until he entered the room.

He stopped and looked around. He seemed to be surprised. After he finished looking around he looked at me with a confused expression.

„Alexander, what is that?" he asked as he was coming nearer to me. He didn't smile, so I wasn't sure if he likes it.

„Well, I saw your ID this morning." I answered. „It was your birthday yesterday and I didn't even congratulate you." I added. Now he started to smile.

„So all this is for me?" he asked like he couldn't believe it. I nodded hesitatingly.

„Yeah, I mean, that's what friends do. We are friends, aren't we?" I asked and he nodded with a big smile. He came to the table and looked at the cake.

„Christmas cake?" he asked with a laugh. I shrugged.

„There was no birthday cake left." I answered. „I have a present for you." I said and he looked to me. I took the ring out of my pocket. His eyes widened.

„You're not gonna propose, are you?" he asked and I laughed.

„No, but I know you liked that ring when you saw it so I thought I'll get it for you." I explained. He came to me and took it. He looked at it and then at me.

„Thank you so much, Alexander." he said. „It means a lot." he added. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

There was this weird feeling again. Like all my organs were tingling. He looked at me dreamily.

„And now the cake?" he asked and I nodded.

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