Dean did not wait any longer as he began to unbutton his black shirt and threw it onto the maroon carpet. On his broad muscular back, a huge cobra tattoo with remarkably detailed scales was displayed in triumph. The ink was dark as it embedded deep underneath the surface of his skin and flesh. It cast fear to the enemy and anyone that dared to make eye contact with just the eyes of that cobra, king of all the snake species, tattoo alone.

The flash of his abdominal muscles did not seem to impress the woman in front of him when the only expression Dean could read on her face was terrifying. Her eyes shot wide open. Her legs drew closer together at the same time she started to back up until her back hits the headboard. Dean furrowed his brows in disinterest in a flick of a second when knowing that his scars intimidated her. It was not just the cuts all over his torso, but the burnt scars that left an ugly stain over some parts of his tight tanned skin.

Dean inched closer to the bed, meanwhile, his pupils held hers in a demonic gaze. He pressed one knee onto the bed before the woman reacted in the most unexpected way. She tucked both of her knees towards her chest tightly, away from him and his touch. Dean could see the disgust in her eyes. The look that she gave him was no different than how people looked at wild creatures, the ones that don't deserve love or the title of calling a pet. He did not even hurt her one bit, yet she was already backing down from his desire and need. Usually, Dean would not care about how the whore would feel when he wanted them. But, today, his father's words plus that woman's disgusting reaction towards him, made him feel even more anger. He could almost feel the blood boiling underneath his veins as heat electrified every inch and part of him. At that moment, he wanted nothing but to kill his father for making his life miserable. Dean continued to glare deadly at the woman in front of him who was trembling in fear. She acted as if he was going to kill her. Dean's brows were tightly held in madness. He hated the looks that the outsiders give him. The look of disgust and fear in their eyes made him feel no less than a devil itself.

Dean sighed out loud furiously and then removed his knee from the soft bed. No matter how mad he was, there was one thing that he swore to never do. That one thing was to hurt a woman. With just one glance at that fragile whore body, Dean could already guess how easy it would've been to just twist and break that pair of wrists of hers. It was too easy. He wouldn't fight a weak opponent. He hated how submissive those weak people are when they were to face the stronger dominant one. It reminded him of his old self. When he was just a kid, with no shield and protection, he had no choice but to submit to his father. It was an unfair battle all along against a powerful man like his father. Dean gritted his teeth as the terrifying looks that washed over the whore's face triggered the images of his past memories. He zipped his pants back up as he turned to find his button-up shirt on the carpet.

"Are you not going to fuck me?" The whore asked as if she wanted him to.

Dean chuckled briefly in a menacing sound after hearing the trembling tone in that woman's voice. She was scared but still sounded desperate to be fucked. Dean was not sure anymore of what was inside her head. But, he did not bother to find out. She didn't deserve his response either his times. Dean pulled up his black button-up shirt and threw it over his shoulders. He was done playing games with some useless slut. He was not the type to force a woman to submit to him. He didn't want to be like his father. He wouldn't want to fuck a woman against her will, especially when they looked at him like that wild specie.

On his way to the door, he picked up his blazer. He did not bother to find any cash as he knew that his men will take care of all his expenses. "You'll get a transaction later." He said as he opened the door and walked out.

When he encountered his two bodyguards on his way to his office room, he informed them. "I'll be in my office, then I'll go meet my father in an hour,". Even though their boss did not bother to slow down his steps to talk to them properly, Leo and Ivan nodded.

As soon as he reached his office, Ivan pulled the door close behind his boss' back. Dean started to take off his blazer before throwing it onto the sofa. He walked to the table, then dropped himself lazily onto the chair behind it.

He sighed loudly while he unbuttoned his collar and untucked his shirt. He grabbed one of the folders from the pile, that was on one side of the table, to look through it. As he leaned his back against the chair, he placed both of his legs up on the table.

"Always the same shit every fucking day..." He mumbled under his breath as he pulled out a pen from his blazer's chest pocket to sign the paper inside the folder's cover. He closed the folder and tossed them back onto the pile. He closed his eyes calmingly until he fell into a deep nap, after a long tiring day.

Twenty minutes passed by. A pair of his beautiful long-lashed brown eyes shot wide open when he realized that he'd accidentally fallen into a much longer nap than he intended to. His eyes scanned the room to find the clock. He sighed in relief when he realized, that he had another forty minutes left to prepare. He got off of the chair and made his way to the door. He swung the door wide open and caught the glance of Ivan, who was on his cell phone with someone else.

As soon as Ivan's eyes met Dean's, he hurried to end his call. Shoving his phone back into his pants pocket, he asked in a nervous voice, "Are we leaving now? We still have thirty-eight more minutes left to chill."

Dean's brows pulled together as he hissed, "Chill in your fucking ass! I've got a ton of shit that I still need to look through before I could go to meet father. And, where the fuck is Leo?"

"I'm back, boss. Mother nature was calling. I could not hold her off." He said at the same time he jogged towards Dean.

Suddenly, the ding sound from the elevator echoed through the hall, making the three guys pause instantly. They straightened their postures while turning their head in the same direction. Dean shoved both hands into his pants pocket as he anticipated the visitors.

As he had expected, a Cobra man in a black suit started to race out of the elevator in his boss' direction. As soon as he came to a stop, panting hard, he reported breathlessly, "Boss, boss! The old master... Mr. Bowen Winchester is about to kill Mr. Aaron, sir!"


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