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"Alright let's take a break for 20 minutes." Everyone nodded and sits around the room.

I grab the bottle that chaeyoung gave me. I squeezed the bottle and drink the water from the bottle.

"Since when did you start using a bottle?" Woozi asked me and automatically the whole room stared at me.
"We got tons of mineral water here," Wonwoo said and pointed at the corner of our practice room. We got several boxes that contain small bottles of mineral water.
"It's okay I'm good," I replied didn't want to continue the conversation.

"Did Rose gave you that bottle?" Hoshi guessed.

I choked on the water I was drinking the moment Hoshi mentioned her name. These punks always know what's going on.

"Ooo." All of them teased me.

"How's it going between both of you?" Scoups asked me.
"She's still trying to accept me."
"What about jinyoung?"
"She fell in love with that kid the moment she saw him."
"Mother's love jun," Jeonghan said.
"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes and all of them laughed.

"Sooner or later Jun, trust me. She'll come back to you." Scoups patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"Don't you guys feel boring that we always practice here? Let's practice somewhere else."
"Jun, your house has a practice room, right? Why don't we practice there?" Scoups suggested.

"Yeah, we can meet jinyoung and play with him!" DK said excitedly.

"We can also have a sleepover since there are many rooms," Hoshi added.

"I'll ask rose first and let you know," I told them. It's too sudden they suddenly wanted to practice at my house.


I look at jinyoung that is laying down on the mattress that I laid on the carpet in the living room.

He is so adorable and bubbly. How can I give birth to someone as cute as this but I'm not joking when I said he got Jun's looks.

I tried to nap him but he just woke up 3 hours ago and right now he's eyes are wide awake.

I look at the time and saw that it's already 11 pm. Where isn't he back yet?

Just then I heard jun's car pulling up the driveway.

I opened the door and Jun entered the house.

"You're still not sleeping?"
"I can't. Jinyoung just woke up and it's hard to make him fall asleep again,"
"He's giving you a hard time huh?"

Jun went to jinyoung and lifted him up.

"Why are you not asleep? Did you wait for daddy?"

He laughed and pinched jun's face.

"Do you want a drink or something? I can get it for you,"
"Can you bring me a glass of plain water?" I nodded and went to the kitchen.

I also took out a plate of sliced mangoes from the fridge and bring it to the living room and put in on the table.

"Thank you," he smiled and I swear he looks so hot because he's sweating in that sleeveless top and smiling like that.

"Would you mind if the boys wanted to come over and practice at our house?"
"Do we even have space for that?"

"Looks like you haven't explored the house yet."
"Well I was busy taking care of jinyoung all day, I'm sorry."

"We have a practice room on the third floor."
"We what?"

"I can't believe the space in this house is that big,"
"So, can they come over?" He asked me for confirming.
"If you say so, sure. Invite them to come over."

"Well, they also kinda want to have a sleepover here as well,"
"There are so many rooms in this house, why not?"

"That's the problem, when they come over, all the rooms will be fully occupied and we have no choice but to share the same bedroom." So that's what makes him worried.

"I got no problem," I said to him. Like why should I have a problem with that? He's my husband anyways.
"You sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," I smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure."

"Can we go for groceries tomorrow? The food in this house is not enough if I wanted to cook for them,"
"Won't that trouble you?" He looks at me feeling worried.

"I'm fine, really," I assured him.
"Okay. We'll go tomorrow morning."

He then went upstairs to take a bath and change.

How am I going to stay in a room with him? I started panicking and my face flushed.

"Everything's going to be fine. If the old you managed to do it then so will you now."


After taking a shower and change into my sleepwear, I went to the bed and grab my phone from the nightstand.

I unlocked the phone and opened seventeen's group chat.


Scoups: yo, can we come over tomorrow?
Jun: yeah, chaeyoung gives the permission for you guys to come over for practice and have a sleepover.
Hoshi: yes! I want to sleep with Joshua
The8: can we play at the pool?
Seungkwan: that whole neighborhood won't be able to sleep tomorrow.
DK: can we have late-night snacks?
Jeonghan: I want to sleep with coups
Joshua: Hoshi I'm with you🤙🏻
Wonwoo: I don't care as long as your house has wifi
Woozi: I'm good
Vernon : 👍🏻👍🏻
Dino: okay😛

Jun: yah! You guys better don't wreck my house and make my wife having a hard time okay?
Scoups: we will Jun, don't worry😬

I got a feeling that these punks planned something without me knowing.

I went down and went to the kitchen to drink. As soon as I flicked the switch, I screamed as I saw chaeyoung sitting in the kitchen alone in the dark with a glass of water.

She laughed when she saw me screaming.

"Yah! Why did you sit alone in the dark?"
"I just don't want to bother anyone."

I went to take a glass of water and sit in front of her.

"Did Jinyoung went to bed already?"
"Yeah a moment ago, man that kid is hard."

"Yup, we both always had a hard time to make him sleep."
"I really want to remember everything." I caressed her hair.
"Take it slow, don't force it. It's okay if you can't. I'm happy that you're here with me."

She took my hand and gently caressed it and stand up.

"Goodnight jun."


Falling In Love Once Again // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now