• e p i l o g u e •

Começar do início

"That'd be wonderful. I think there are so many people who can use your help." She squeezed his hand in assurance. "It'll be hard, but I think it's worth it."

"Thank you." He wrapped an around her pulling her closer. "Your support means the world to me, Sunshine." He kissed the side of her head. Just as he pulled back, a grey car stopped in front of their house.

Their backs ramrod straight as the people stepped out of the car. His heart dropped for a second as there was no baby with them. What if something changed overnight. Both of them stood up, holding hands in support of each other, whatever the outcome may be.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wahab." The lady greeted them with her posture rigid. She coldly extended her hand. He glanced at Ayla for a sec. She squeezed his hand in return before letting go and shaking it with the woman. "I'm Leslie and I will make sure one last time that this house is safe for the baby before I hand her over to you guys."

They nodded leading her in, he kept glancing at the car, but Ayla pulled on his hand. They couldn't fall weak in front of the authorities. They had to stay normal. The lady and her colleague toured the house, taking notes.

"She is not giving us the baby, Ruh." His arms tightened around her waist as he looked at her with confusion and anger.

"Patience, Z." She rubbed his arm, trying to calm him. "She is just making sure as she said."

"What if she finds something wrong. I don't trust her."

"If you guys can please follow me out." The lady walked past them, her face still as cold as she had met them first. There were no emotions in her blue eyes.

"I don't have good feelings about this," Zach whispered before following the lady out. They came to stand still in the front porch as the lady kept writing in her file.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wahab." The woman turned to them. Both of them had their hearts pounding. There was that crack in the coldness. Leslie smiled slightly. "She's lucky to find a home like this. I can tell your daughter will have a beautiful home."

"What?" They both whispered at the same time.

"Congratulations. You guys are parents."

She thought she'd never hear that in her life. She had believed they both would never see the sun rising to give life a day like that. It was split-second before she handed her phone to the woman to record their first meeting with their baby as another person stepped out of the car holding a car seat.

"Oh God," She covered her mouth with a sob. "Our baby." She turned to her husband and he was still coming to terms with it. "Our baby is here."

Lesli took the baby out of the car seat, holding her out to them. Ayla was still shaking with sobs so he had to hold the baby. A tiny little girl in his callous hand. Their baby girl.

"Oh my Lord," He kept whispering. His nose turned red as his eyes welled up. Ayla watched him. She was still too scared to see the baby. What if all this was just her dream. "She is beautiful, Sunshine. Look at her."

Holding on her husband's arms, Ayla peeked over and she gasped. There wrapped in a soft pink blanket, she was confronted with the most beautiful sight in this whole universe.

"SubhanAllah, She is the most precious sight I have ever seen." Ayla watched the sleeping baby in Zach's arms. Zach bent down and kissed the forehead of their Little Miss.

Without You ✔️ (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora