chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

"This is weird, it's Trevor why don't we just ask him?" Case said.

"Cause he's gonna deny it, he's been denying it all weekend." Turcs said.

"Hey Marley, you get the--?" A female voice pulled our attention to the balcony door where my girlfriend stood, looking at her phone. "Oh, I'm sorry. I think I have the wrong room." She grinned, turning to go back to mine.

"What?!" I yelled, jumping up to run to the balcony as she came back to the door frame and wrapped her arms around me.

"Surprise!" She squealed as I hugged her before kissing her passionately.

"Oh, alright. Ew. Enough!" The boys all yelled over each other and boo'd us.

"Peyton, thank god you're here. Now you can help us find out who Trevor's mystery girl is." Danny said, not catching on.

"You fucking hurt my brain." Pat said, shoving him off the bed.

"Hold up, did you say Marley?" Turcs asked.

"Who me?" Peyton asked. "I don't know, did I?"

"You most definitely did." Marley said, walking through the door from the hallway with Trevor right behind her, a huge grin on both their faces as Alex jumped over people to get to his grilfriend.

"What up bwa!" Trevor celebrated, dapping Cole up.

"You mother fucker! You knew!" I yelled at Cole.

"Of course I fuckin' knew, das my bwa." Cole said, grabbing Trevor.

"That's right assholes, I can keep a secret. I set up this whole surprise and didn't tell anyone." Trevor said as he did a victory shimmy.

"Except Cole." Peyton added.

"Fuck you, Peyton." He pointed, continuing his shimmy.

"So no mystery girl?" Danny asked.

"Just stay on the floor." Case said, pushing him back down.

"Two assists, not too bad baby." Peyton said to me as everyone started normal conversation again.

"You were there?" I asked.

"Of course I was." She smiled.

"And three for your actual boyfriend, thank you very much." Trevor said, draping his arm over Peyton's shoulder. "Who, by the way, still hasn't gotten a hello hug."

Peyton rolled her eyes before wrapping her arms around Trevor and beginning to say hi to the rest of the team.

"You are the man, Z." I said, dapping him up.

"Oh, I didn't do this for you. You think I can go four days without Peyton?" Trevor teased and I shoved him. "Hey, you created this monster when you brought her into our lives." He surrendered with his hands up, walking away from me.

I looked over and saw Peyton taking the PS4 controller from Ryder as Cole tried to teach her how to play Call of Duty. She had her typical huge smile on her face as she giggled at her own failure, as she had somehow managed to die three times in thirty seconds. My friends and teammates around her all smiling and getting along when she looked up at me and winked, with that smile that kills me every time. I felt my cheeks heat up so I dropped my head as I laughed to myself because I couldn't believe how quickly I had fallen in love with someone who less than three months ago was a stranger to me. More importantly, I couldn't believe how lucky I was that she chose me, and how lucky I was to be surrounded by people that I love this much.

"Yo Rowdy, your girlfriend might be better than you at COD." Cam smiled.

"She definitely is." Turcs said, with Marley on his lap.

"Guys, I've got more 4 times more deaths than kills." Peyton smiled.

"Oh yeah, she's definitely better than Rowdy." Case said.

"Yeah?" I laughed. "Peyton give that to Case," I said, taking the other controller from Marshall and going to sit in the chair I was in before as Peyton joined me.

"I'm happy you're here." I told her, kissing her shoulder.

"I'm happy I'm here." She smiled. "Now beat Case's ass."

"I love it when you're competitive. You got plans tonight?" I teased.

"No, but I got a hotel room across from yours." She grinned mischievously.

"Case are we playing or staring at the lobby? I don't have all night." I said, making Peyton laugh.

"Waiting for it to load, so let's relax." Case giggled.

"Quick game, super quick game baby. Quickest game you've ever seen." I said, adjusting the way I was sitting.

"Take your time, I don't mind teasing you a little." She whispered, sliding a little further up my lap, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Case! Come on, what the fuck are you doing?!"

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