I really loved her.

But she left us.

And I know I'd take her back in a heartbeat, no matter the pain she caused.

"Looking fit" dad walks in.

I turn to him. "Dad, I-"

"I know she planted shit in your head growing up. You're a good looking dude, son. You have so much ahead of you. You just need to let people in" he frowns.

I sigh. "I met a girl-"

"Who?" he cuts me off.

"Her name's Aaliyah... and she's gorgeous, dad. She's just as gorgeous as mom was" I clench my jaw. "And I'm so stupid! I look like this! Then there's her. She can wear whatever the fuck she wants and look absolutely gorgeous! Like mom... but mom left. People you grow close to, leave. And they don't come back. Plus, Aaliyah's taking me in to be nice. Her standards are like a rich guy. Like, she's an Archer, dad. They are so wealthy and-"

"I highly doubt any person married an Archer for money-"

"Maybe not. But dad, if you saw her, she wouldn't go for me. A kid without a mother. A kid who was verbally abused by the woman he loved and trusted. A kid whose mother literally cut their five year olds side while she was angry. And a kid who would still love her after that" my eyes tear up.

"Son..." he walks over and hugs me. "She hurt us, of course it's gonna be an emotional scar we have. Aaliyah seems to make you so happy, and you need that. You need her"

"Yeah, until I saw her friends. They're two dudes and I'm just insecure to be around her. Especially since everyone in this town knows her as she's the girl everyone loves. I'd be walking around with her and her friends with all these layers an-"

He pulls back. "Give it a chance"

I look at him and tug my lips to the side.


My phone goes off and check it to see Aaliyah texted and with two other numbers that shared the contact name and picture thanks to the new iphone update.

I put their names in and it's Lorenzo and Parker.

Aaliyah ❣️:
Yo Wesssss, we've all been talking and we wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Blue Ridge with us next week for Christmas!

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :
It'll be a lot of fun man

Park Nark 🤤 :
And really cold so you can wear all those coats 😂😂

I chuckle before sighing.

Me :
I'd love to, but I have a lot to do

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :
Bitch we know you have nothing to do

Park Nark 🤤 :
Just cum with us

Aaliyah ❣️ :
You need to stop spelling it like that

Me :
I don't wanna be a burden

Aaliyah ❣️ :
You won't!! That's why we asked you!

Park Nark 🤤 :
Ye we wouldn't want to ass anyone else

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :

Park Nark 🤤 :
Ok daddy 😍

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :

I clench my jaw.

Me :
I don't know...

Park Nark :

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :
A man

Aaliyah ❣️ :
It'll be fun ☺️

I sigh and try to type, but my fingers keep pressing the backspace.

Lord Lorenzo 🤫 :
So... are you coming buddy?

I clench my jaw and let myself loose.

Me :
Yeah sure

"Hey buddy" dad walks in.

I turn to him, smiling. "Hey"

"I'm going on a date with my co worker next week... I just wanna make sure that it's okay with you" he pauses "since I know h-"

"It's fine, dad. I want you to be happy" I say.

"But I also want you to be happy too. I won't go on a date with her if you're not ready for another woman to be in our lives yet" he walks over to me.

I shake my head. "I'm okay with it, really. Plus, I'm staying next week up with Aaliyah and her friends up in the mountains"

"Really?" his eyes widen and I nod. "I'm so happy for you buddy!!" he hugs me.

"I just have to get through it" I tug my lips to the side. "You know... feeling insecure next to those dudes-"

"Kid, you have nothing to be afraid of. These guys will probably end up being your best friends" he pats my shoulder.

"I don't know" I sigh and he sadly smiles.

"Have fun. I know you will" he says softly.

He leaves the room and I squeeze my phone.

Time to pack.

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