Author's note

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Let's just acknowledge how perfect this song was for Rollaro😂😂

Anyone else hear songs and immediately think of their favorite character ship🤘

Also I've been working on other fanfics so I think this series is done. And tbh I cringe reading some of what I wrote, but I think we all cringe at our old fanfics. I've got another SVU fanfic that I've been working on that I'm not sure if I'm going to publish. It has a similar premise, but with a character I made up myself. Very Rollaro-y still but it's not focused on Amanda like this was. It's really long and I haven't finished it because I'm working on another fanfic for a different show so idk how long it will take me to wrap it up. So let me know if you'd bother reading it, if I should keep it to myself, or wait to publish till it's finished.

Also let me know story suggestions if you have any. I don't do any smut or things like that.

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