Chapter 9

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Nick's POV

"Let's go"
Marcello and his men lead us back out to the moving truck and shoved us in the back.
We had stayed in that basement for at least three days. I didn't see Amanda throughout most of it, but knew they were doing something terrible to her.
"Our next stop is Connecticut. That's where the fun will begin." Marcello smiled, handed us a lantern and pulled down the door.

"What went on back there?" I asked her fifteen minutes into the ride.
"I don't think you want to know" she replied.
She wasn't wrong. I knew from the tears in her eyes, her ripped clothes, and the bruises all over her it had been hell each time they took her.
"Okay, well at least tell me what he whispered to you that first night."
She looked down at the floor.
"He told me his plans. He's going to break me in then pimp me out. We'll spend some time in different states, cities. Then we'll get to Mexico. He'll kill us both. If not there sooner."
I took a moment to process what she said. I wanted to tell her everything will be okay, but I didn't even believe that. These dudes were smart, there's no way they'd leave a trail.
"I don't want to have to do this again" she cried.
"I know."
I held her and let her cry into my chest.

"Welcome to New Hampshire." Marcello said pulling up the door.
The bright sun stung our eyes. It took a minute to adjust to the light, but when my eyes did I saw guns pointed at us.
"Let's go, and don't try anything stupid." He said.

The new place was again in a basement, but it was nicer. There was a bathroom and a bed as well.
"Look, the door is made of regular old wood, I can break this down and we can make a run for it." I said as soon as they left.
"They'll catch us and they'll kill us."
"Look, this could be our only chance getting free."
I finally managed to convince her and we came up with a plan. We'd wait for them to leave, they had to at some point right? I'd break down the door, find keys and take the truck or any vehicle that they had. It wasn't full proof, but it was our only shot. Now we just had to wait, and wait we did.
One of the men came downstairs and gestured for Amanda to come with him. She already knew what was going to happen and began silently crying and slowing followed him upstairs. No, I couldn't let them do this. I followed them upstairs.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The man yelled.
"You're not taking her."
I threw a punch at his face. Before I could throw another he pushed me. I went tumbling down the stairs.
"Shit" I said when I reached the ground.
I knew I hit my head and felt the blood on the back of my head.
"Don't pull that shit again or it'll be ten times worse!"
He slammed the door and locked it. I got up still in pain and ran to the door.
"Amanda?!" I yelled
Of course I wouldn't get a respond, but I had to try.
I eventually gave up and went back down the stairs. I took a shower and could smell something wrong with the water. Of course it wasn't drinkable, why would it be?

I almost was asleep by the time they brought her back. I immediately regretted doing what I did when I saw her. Her eye was so swollen from the beating they gave her she couldn't open it. Her clothes were ripped by the whip they used on her back. Horrible, deep gashes were on her back from that whip.
The moment he left she cried in pain. I wanted to hug her, but that would hurt her even more.
"Take a shower, clean the gashes so they don't get infected. Maybe he'll be nice enough to give us something to bandage them with."
She got in the shower and very soon was screaming. She had to of been in so much pain.

Amanda's POV

Literally every move I made was excruciating. The water stung so unbelievably bad, but I tried to wash away any dirt.
I wrapped a towel around me and realized even that hurt. I was so sore but all I could do was bite my lip and pray it'd stop hurting. All I could do was cry. And cry and cry and cry.
I heard a knock on the door.
"You alright?" I heard Nick ask.
Not in the least bit, but I answered with "yeah."
I put on clothes that Marcello provided (which was just regular sweats) and squealed every time the fabric touched me.

Nick's POV

I woke up later that night to screaming.
"Wake up Amanda, it's just a dream"
She wouldn't wake.
"No! Get off!!" she screamed.
Marcello came charging down the stairs.
"Shut her up before I do!"
I tried shaking her but she continued screaming.
"That's it"
He came all the way down the stairs and grabbed her by the hair.
"No!" She kicked him in stomach.
"Oh you're gonna get it" he said pulling her up by the hair.
She was awake now, and terrified.
"Let her go!" I yelled.
"Shut up!"
He pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.
"Shut up or both of you die"
I didn't know what to do. Try to fight him and risk death? Or do nothing? If I did manage to fight him off there were still the other three guys. Yeah there was no way to fight them off. I had to watch as he beat the shit out of her. He threw her back on the bed and went upstairs.
"I'm so sorry"
I covered her up with blankets in an attempt to make her somewhat comfortable. Blood spewed out her mouth every time she coughed. She drifted off back to sleep while I wiped the blood off her face.

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