Chapter 17

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Nick's POV

"Amanda come on open the door" Liv said knocking on the door.
"Go away." She said back.
Liv turned to me.
"Any idea what happened?"
"Yeah, this."
I handed her the letter.
"How the hell did he manage to send that? He's not allowed any contact with her."
"I don't know, but he did."
"Look Amanda we know about the letter please just open the door so we can talk." Liv tried once again.
The door unlocked opened slowly.
"You read it?" She asked.
Olivia nodded.
"Now come on let's go sit down"

I drapped a blanket over here as she sat on the sofa. Her skin was still sore from the constant scrubbing and I wrapped her bloody hand up in gauze.
"Do you have any idea how Marcello could've got this to you?" Liv asked.
"He knew Nick's address, he must've slipped it past the inspectors."
"We'll have to check in on that tomorrow. In the mean time please don't go breaking anymore glass."
Liv stood up and looked at me.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She said.
"Yeah of course."
I lead her into the kitchen.
"I don't think she should be left alone for awhile at least."
"I figured as much."
She looked at me with pity.
"Look, I'm fine. I'll see at work Monday."
"Okay" was all she replied with. "I'll show myself out. Take care of her."
"Of course"
"And Nick, take care of yourself."
With that she walked out the door.
"I'm sorry" Amanda said when I walked back in the living room.
"You don't need to apologize"
She stood up.
"Yes I do. I'm so fucked up in the head."
She walked into the kitchen and poured a cup of wine. She looked down at it.
"I haven't had wine since all this started. It seems like yesterday was the first time he hit me."
She grabbed the cup and went back to the living room sofa.
"I'm tired of crying, of not sleeping. I'm just so tired."
I sat beside her.
"God sometimes I wonder if things would be better if I never told you about Jeff."
I pulled her close to me. She laid quietly in my lap.
"I don't want to be by myself."
She finally left tears fall.
"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered.

I woke with her sound asleep laying with her head still in my lap. It must've been about 5 in the morning. I just realized something. She didn't have a nightmare last night. This was the first time she hadn't woken up screaming at all.
She started waking up and was soon sitting up.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked.
She smiled.
"The best I ever have in almost a year."
She laid back down.
"Maybe I should sleep with you more often" she said.
She must've thought about how that sounded because she sat up.
"Not, not like that." She clarified
"Yeah, no I know"
She laid down again.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"To sleep" she said.
"Okay well I want to try that new breakfast place down the street"
"Fine, but I'm gonna be tired and grumpy the whole time."
"When aren't you."
"You're not wrong" she laughed.

Amanda's POV

"And I'll take the biscuits and gravy." Nick ordered
"Really? You go to a pancake diner and get biscuits and gravy?"
"What? I don't like pancakes"
"How can you not like pancakes? They're like a dessert for breakfast."
"That's exactly why I don't like them."
We both laughed.
"Yet you like donuts"
"I'm a cop I have to."
"Okay well Mr. "I hate pancakes cause I'm no fun" I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Don't eat my pancakes when they get here."
"Don't even worry about that."

While I walked toward the bathroom I ran into a familiar face.
"Hey, Amanda right?" Said a dark haired tattooed guy.
"Yeah, funny seeing you here."
"Yeah this whole huge city and we both happen to be here."
"Must be destiny"
I giggled causing him to.
"You know, I never did get your number." He said.
I was hesitant about getting involved with another guy, but Daniel was so charming and had a smile that could light up the room. I wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.
"Here." I smiled handing it to him.
"I guess I should let you go to the ladies room, see you soon?"

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