Chapter 30

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Amanda's POV

"Sorry it's just me, my friends chickened out on the ride here."
"I don't know who you are, but you need to leave."
I knew I must've sounded terrified, but it was worth a shot. He backed me into a corner.
"Now when's your boyfriend gonna be home?"
I attempted to make a run for it but he put out his leg and tripped me. I fell to the ground. He knelt besides me.
"Hopefully soon. We wouldn't want him to miss out."
I heard the front door unlock. Before I could scream the man held a gun to my head.
"Don't, or I'll shoot both of you."

Nick's POV

I was shocked to not hear Apollo barking as I unlocked the door. What kind of use was a guard dog that didn't bark? I opened the door and was instantly greeted by a masked man.

Amanda's POV (very graphic)

Before Nick could reach for his gun the masked dude punched him. This lead to an all out fist fight. It eventually ended when Nick was knocked out by a glass bottle to the head.
"What are you doing?" I asked knowing it was a dumb question.
He got out some rope.
"Finishing what I started."

After he finished tying up Nick he turned his attention back to me.
"Don't do this, you will be found."
"Don't tell me what to do!"
He slapped my face. He gestured at Nick.
"Trust me, even if I don't kill both of you, he'll never want anything to do with you once he watches what I do to you."

Several minutes later we were still sitting there. Waiting. I hoped Nick wouldn't wake up anytime soon. Maybe the guy would grow bored and leave if he didn't. Most of all, I did not want him to see what this guy was about to do to me. But he did wake up.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
"What are you gonna do? You seem a little tied up there."
"Why are you doing this?" I got the courage to ask.
"Because I can" he responded.
I knew what he was gonna do, and I didn't want Nick to see me like that. I made a run for the bedroom door where Apollo was.
"Where do you think you're going?"
He threw me against the wall. I felt his hand slid into my pants his fingers going where they shouldn't be. I could hear Nick yelling at him, but couldn't make out the words. I just pretended he wasn't there, wasn't seeing what was happening.
He took his time tourmenting me. I felt like I was gonna throw up as he slid off my pants. Once I was completely nude he pushes me to the ground. I closed my eyes trying to pretend I was elsewhere.
"Open your eyes" he demanded. "You're gonna watch"
He kissed my lips and slowly made his way down kissing every part of my body.
"We're gonna do this slow. I want to savor every moment."
He crept back up to my chest. He grinned.
"This is gonna be so much fun"
He took out a cigarette and lit it only to put it out on my bare breast. He continued to do this several times each time seemed to be more painful than the last.
"Come on, let's show your boyfriend what a disgusting whore you are"
He unbuckled his belt and that's when everything began. When he finished he instructed me to get on all fours. When I refused he pulled me up and forced me on all fours. He then forced himself inside me while cupping both of my breasts in each hands. I couldn't help but cry. I was so humiliated.

After three agonizing hours he was finally done with me. I collapsed on the floor and finally snapped back to reality. Nick was still tied up crying, cussing the guy out. He must've felt so helpless.
Just as I was starting to become aware of everything I felt something hit the back of my head. I realized it was the masked man. He was beating me with a pan. After several more blows he dropped it. He began punching me. Over and over.

Nick's POV

Just as I thought the worst of it was over, he began beating her up. Blood was soon all over the floor. He was literally going to beat her to death.
He got up from punching her, but instead of stopping he began kicking her. In the stomach, chest, and head. I could hear her let out a cry with each blow. When he was done he pulled out a gun. He didn't aim it at her, he turned it to me and pulled the trigger.

Amanda's POV

"No!!" I screamed as the gun went off.
He shot again.
"Now it's time to get the rest." He said and left.
"Please, you can't die!"
"Everythings gonna be okay Manda" was the last thing he said before passing out.
"Nick? Nick!" I cried.
I was in an unbearable amount of pain, but I managed to drag myself to the nearest cell phone. I dialed Fin's number.
"Amanda? Are you alright?"
I could feel myself loosing conscious.
"I need you here" was all I managed to choke out before blacking out.

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