Chapter 24

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Amanda's POV

"What were you gonna tell me? Back at the restaurant."
We stood in the middle of the family room.
"Never mind, I can't, I won't tell you."
"Amanda was is it?"
I paced back and forth on the verge of tears.
"I'm so sorry Nick, I shouldn't have told him."
"Told who what?"
"What you told me two years ago, about your dad"
I quickly closed my mouth as soon as I said that. I stared at him for a reaction. He seemed in shock.
"I'm sorry." I tried
The tension settled a bit and he sat down.
"Why'd you tell him?" He asked calmly.
I didn't reply.
"I know you didn't do it willingly Amanda."
"I knew he'd use it against you I just, I couldn't take the beating anymore. He said if I gave him information about you it'd stop. I shouldn't have said anything."
"Stop. Look I don't blame you. Just forget about all of this."
I agreed reluctantly.
"There's something else we need to discuss" he said.
He pulled out an envelop that I immediately recognized.
"He wrote you again? Why didn't you say anything?"
"I don't I just didn't think it was important."
"He threaten you. You didn't think that was important?"
"I don't know. Look can we just let all of this go? Nothing said just now needs to leave this room agree?"
"Yeah. Come on let's get back to the precinct."

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