Chapter 5

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Nick's POV

Neither of us could go to sleep so we sat there on the floor. She told me what she dreamt about and I did my best at consoling her.
"You have to listen to me when I tell you that you didn't deserve anything Jeff or Caleb did. You didn't deserve what happened to you."
"Than why'd it happen?"
"I don't know. There are horrible people out there..."
She cut me off.
"You're wrong" was all she said.
Before I could argue I heard my alarm go off telling me I'm supposed to be getting up for work.
"You should go"
"I think you should come with."
"I have Apollo here I'll be fine."
"I don't want you here alone. Not now"
She started to speak but quickly shut her mouth. Whatever she was thinking was scary enough to keep her from arguing.
"Besides, I think working will keep your mind off things. Strictly desk duty of course"
She didn't protest. This wasn't like Amanda at all.

Amanda's POV

I got looks from everyone all morning long. Some mean, some concerned, others just confused. I tried keeping my focus away from Jeff and Marcello, and everyone else but I couldn't.
I snapped out of my daze to notice a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah?" I said
"Liv's called your name like five times" Fin told me. "She wants to talk to you."
I shook my head to get myself back to reality and went to Liv's office.
"How are you doing?"
"Fine I guess." I lied.
I took a seat across from her desk.
"You certainly don't seem fine."
"Doesn't matter, why'd you call me in here?"
"Um, I have something to tell you. I don't think now's really a good time"
"It's as good as any other time."
I could tell she wasn't looking forward to what she was about to say. The many scenarios ran through my head, but I still wasn't prepared for what she said next.
"Your sister, she's dead."
I felt my heart drop. The world began spinning around me.
"Wha..." I stuttered. "How? How'd she die?!"
"We believe it was murder."
"Marcello." I whispered.
"We don't know that, it's too early to tell."
"Yes we do. He killed her! He killed her because of me!"
I stood up and the room began spinning. I could hardly breathe
"Calm down a minute"
"My sister's dead because of me! I'm not going to calm down!"
I paced back and forth trying to catch my breath.
"Do you know what he does to people before he kills them?! Take what Jeff and Caleb did, combine that and multiple that by ten!"
"Amanda.." She tried.
I grabbed the door and ran out. Before I got far I ran right into Nick who was waiting right outside the office.
"They got her" I cried. "They killed my sister"
"I know, it's gonna be okay."
"No it's not!"
I struggled to break free of his grip kicking and punching.
"Shh, we'll figure this out."
He held me tighter as I gave up trying to get free. My legs felt like jelly as I began to fall with Nick being my only support. I heard Fin and Liv approach but I didn't bother looking up. I just lost the one bit of family I ever had.

Nick's POV

"Poor girl" Fin said as he looked through the window at his distraught partner.
"You're not gonna tell her the details surrounding the murder are you?" I asked Liv
"Of course not, not yet."
Kim was killed by a gunshot to the head, but not till after she was brutalized for hours.
"I spent four hours last night trying to convince her none of this was her fault, that she didn't deserve any of this and there's no way she believes me."
"You should go talk to her." Liv said
I agreed without knowing what I could even say to her. What was there to say? This isn't your fault? Already tried that.

"You still think I didn't deserve this?" She said as I walked in.
"Of course you didn't"
"I got my sister killed! My own mother is blaming me for all of it, she wishes it was me!"
I didn't speak.
"Maybe it should've been"
"Don't say that."
I sat on the sofa beside her.
"I'll admit this isn't completely my fault. You're the one that didn't let me go back to Jeff that night."
"He beat you Amanda. I wasn't going to let you go back to that."
"Why are you like this? Why can't you accept the fact that sometimes people deserve what they get even when it's bad."
"I do, but you're not one of those people."
"Yes I am."

Olivia's POV

I turned off the speaker so we couldn't hear what was being said. It was killing Fin, and me.
"I need to talk to her" he said.
"Not now, let's just leave them be."
"That's my partner Liv, I can't let her believe she deserved getting tortured."
"Talking to her isn't gonna do much good you and I both know that."
He didn't argue.
"Turn the audio back on."
"I don't think that's a good idea"
"Please, Liv"

Nick's POV

"My mom just text me." She stared at her phone. "She's made it very clear I'm never gonna hear from her again."
"I'm sorry" Was all I could say.
"You should've let me jump"
I glanced at her confused.
"At the hospital, months ago. You shouldn't have grabbed me."
It was then that Olivia and Fin walked in. Probably tired of listening and not being able to do anything.
"Stop blaming yourself Amanda, you know better than that." Liv told her.
She shook her head and put her her head in her hands.
"And I should've known better than to fuck around with Jeff so."

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