Chapter 26

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Amanda's POV

I stared at my phone for hours pondering if I should call someone. No, I can't bother Nick right now. TV, just watch some TV. I turned on the television and right as I did the mailman stopped by.
"Well, this gives me something to do." I told myself.
"Come on Apollo, let's go get the mail."
Yes the mailbox was just at the end of the driveway, but I was still nervous about going outside alone so I took Apollo.

I went through the mail and found one addressed to me. This can't be good. I just held the envelope trying to decide whether to open it or not. Finally I did.

Dear Amanda,

Since you never bothered coming to visit you never had time to prepare. I have friends. And they're smarter and scarier than yours. Your sister and mother are gone, now it's time we get rid of everyone else.

My hands were still shaking as I put it down. I ran and grabbed the phone.
"Come on come on" I repeated as it rang.
No answer. I quickly hung up and called Liv.
"Benson" she answered.
"Liv, where's Nick?"
"Amanda? I think he went outside, why can I help you with anything?"
"No, just figure out where he is."
"Wait he's coming in now. Shit, is that a gun?" She said to herself
Just than shots rang out.
"I gotta go"
"Liv? Wait!"
Too late. She hung up.
"No, no, no!"
I packed back and forth with my hands to my head.
"This can't be happening"
I snapped out of the denial. Quickly I grabbed the phone and called a cab.

Nick's POV

"Nick!" I could hear Olivia scream.
I wasn't shot, it was just a warning fire.
She came out gun drawn only to have three pointing back at her.
"Drop the weapon" one of the masked men said.
Outnumbered and out gunned she did.
"Now go sit over there"
She walked over and sat next to me, Fin, and two other uniformed cops.
"What the hell is going on?" She asked me.
"I don't know. A guy approached me outside and said he needed help. He said it was about his girlfriend and asked if we could talk inside. Once we got upstairs he pulled a gun on me and two other guys came in." I explained. "You think this has to do with Rollins?"
"Yes. I just got off the phone with her she sounded panicked."
"You don't think they got her?"
"I don't know."
"Shut up over there" one guy said.
"Look, you haven't done anything yet." Liv started. "If you just leave right now, no harm no foul."
"Shut up, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this speech."
He pointed his gun at her.
"Wait, dude we need them" another guy said.
He lowered the gun. That was too close I thought.
"I think these guys mean business." I whispered to her.
"I don't think they're up to negotiate." Fin added.
"It was worth a shot."
She silently crawled over to where the two officers were.

"God I hope they don't have Amanda." I looked at Fin
"Me too."

Amanda's POV

I took a cab to the precinct and ran inside. I was greeted by three gunmen with ski masks on.
"Long time no see Amanda" one of them said.
I looked around and saw they had Nick, Fin, Olivia, and two other officers sitting on the floor. They had disarmed them.
"Go sit" he pointed to the floor.
"Why are you doing this. Just take me!"
"You had your chance. Now everyone is going to pay."
He grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I crawled over to where everyone else was.
No, no this is all my fault. We're all gonna die because of me.
"Alright everyone up."
The continued to point their guns at us.
"In here"
He lead us to the interrogation room and locked us inside.
The guilt overwhelmed me. I didn't want to even look at anyone knowing they'd be blaming me.
"We will figure this out. No one is dying tonight." Liv said.
What'd she read my mind?
"We need to come up with a plan." Nick said.
"What plan? There's three of them with loaded guns and we got nothing! We can we possibly do?!" one of the uniforms said.
"I don't know okay." Nick snapped back.
"We're sitting ducks in here. They're gonna start killing us off one by one."
"Drew shut up." The female officer said.
"Yeah Drew" Fin added.
The arguing went on and on. It was eventually interrupted by the door opening. Fear shot through me.
"Let's see who's first ennie, minnie, miny, you" he pointed the gun at Liv.
"Come on sweetheart." He said.
"No." I protested. "She's not who you're mad at. It's me."
I wasn't about to let Olivia go through what I had to. She had a kid, she can't die.
"Amanda" Liv pulled me back.
I pushed her off me and went with the guy.

"Why are you doing this? You want me not them" I said as he lead me through the squad room.
"You thought you had someone who cared. Well, now you won't for much longer."
He turned me around.
"Now strip."
"This isn't going to end well. Keeping a bunch of cops hostage."
"Shut up and strip." he pointed the gun at the interrogation room. "Or one of them will die."
I abided by his command.
"Alright boys, do what you want."

It's Not OverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora