Chapter 2

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Amanda's POV

I splashed the hot water on my face and looked in the mirror. Water dripped off my face as I stared at the reflection. There was a scar that started right above my eye and went down to my neck. My mind went to that night. The whip had just barely missed my eye. Had it of been two milometers closer I could've been blinded.
I almost jumped out of my skin
"Sorry, I'd been calling you and you weren't answering." Nick explained.
I didn't say anything.
"You alright?"
"I want to just forget everything, but reminders like this won't let me."
I pointed to the scar on my face.
"Every time I see my reflection I get reminded all over again."
"I.." He started.
"Never mind"
I walked out of the bathroom and back to living room.
I thought about asking where he went, but figured it wasn't really my business.
"You're probably getting bored stuck in this house all day, what'd you say we go out?"
"To where?"
"Where do you want to go?"
I thought for a second. I wanted to get out of here, but I wasn't sure where else to go. I really wanted to avoid spending any sort of money which of course is almost impossible.
"Let's just go for a walk." I finally said.
"Alright. Apollo, watch the house"
Apollo perked up and tilted his head.
"Come on let's go."

Nick's POV

The weather was rather warm for mid March. After walking for almost an hour we ended up on a park bench.
"I have to ask you something"
I thought about my discussion with the guy earlier today.
"Do you a guy named Darren."
The color from her face vanished.
"Yeah, why?" She asked trying to mask fear.
"No reason, his name just came up in something"
"Nick I'm not stupid how'd you know about him?"
She started getting more agitated so I decided to tell her the truth. I couldn't hide it forever.
"I tracked down a buddy of his and he pointed me in his direction. Said he had some sort of connection with Jeff."
I watched as she got more nervous.
"Who'd you talk to?"
"I never got his name. Short, Hispanic guy."
I was regretting not getting his name. The one thing that could've helped, I forgot to ask.
"His name's Carlos." She said. "He was actually a nice man"
"What he did to you? That's not what a nice guy does"
"He didn't know I was being forced to do anything. Besides we never actually did anything." She explained. "He was lonely, looking for company is all. He was my only break from everything else."
"What about this Darren guy? You know anything about him?"
She looked around nervously.
"Let's go back."
"What is it?"
"Let's just, let's just go."
She got up.
Right as I ran after her a shot rang out barely missing her.
"Get down!" I yelled doing the same.
The crowd erupted into a panic as more shots rang out. We found refuge behind an SUV.
"You good? You're not hit are you?" I questioned her.
"I'm okay."
"Alright stay here."
I made my way to the other side of the parked car and attempted to figure out where the bullets had come from. By now the firing stopped and squad cars were pulling up. It was chaos.
"He's gone."
"Jesus Amanda I told you to stay put."
"I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't stay back there doing nothing while you went into harms way especially considering I was the target."
"What'd you mean you were the target?"
"You asked about Darren remember."
"He was watching us the whole time. He was in the military, he was a sniper Nick."

It's Not OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora