Killer Toothache

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Written in the model of end before beginning before end, we flash to a scene of a young woman screaming and clawing at her own face. In the beginning though, she is happy, save for the aching tooth in the back of her mouth. The dentist tells her that the tooth is rotting and needs to be replaced. Surprised, she does as told. However, there's something about this replacement tooth that doesn't feel right. It's as if it's alive, screeching, drilling into her jaw. She schedules another appointment, but comes away without answers. She does it again,  but this time the doctor becomes enraged and she flees, finding a new dentist to get to the bottom of this. If only she'd left it yo be, a toothless hole, because now she fights for her life to rip the tiny creature out before it takes over her life, becoming her imposter, herself unable to find help and ceasing to exist.

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