{Chapter 9💕}

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3rd person's pov

Sicheng and the younger boys started to get themselves ready to head back home. When they walked outside the sun was already going down. Tiredness could be seen in their eyes. Finally, they could rest a couple of days. Still, it wouldn't be enough for their condition.

Sicheng had taken his hyung's role. While Ten was gone Sicheng was the one to take care of his dongsaengs. He asked all the time if Jisung was feeling okay and tried to lighten up the other's moods too. But in reality, he was feeling awful inside and it was hard to not to show it to the younger ones.

They finally arrived and walked inside. Sicheng went straight to the kitchen looking for some food to all of them. Letting out a sigh he closed the cabins and muttered: "there's nothing left...".
"Hyung is everything okay?" Renjun came to him.
Quickly lifting his head up and trying to get a smile on his face he said: "everything is okay." then he continued "It's been a long day...let's just go to sleep." Renjun looked at him maybe realising why he said those words. "okay...well good night." he said and walked to Ten's room. Sicheng went to the room were Jisung was and treated his scars. The wounds started to look better but they still had to be taken care of.

After that was done Sicheng went to his own bedroom. Laying on the bed he felt lonely and helpless. Where could he get or even find food and water for them, while Ten and Jeminah were gone? He stood up again and walked out of his bedroom. Opening Ten's bedroom door he looked at Renjun and Chenle who were already asleep. Watching them sleeping peacefully made Sicheng smile like a proud big brother. He closed the door and went to see if Jisung was asleep too...and fortunately, he was.

after that, he went outside...

Sicheng's pov

It was already late and the curfew would start soon, but in this situation right now, I needed to see one of my old friends. I glanced at my surroundings while putting on my hood. After that, I stepped into the shadows.
What I did before I met Jeminah and Ten is something that I'm trying to get rid of, but it's not easy.
Climbing on top of a rooftop and looking down if there were any patrols. Seeing nothing I decided to jump to another roof and another.
Enjoying the so-called freedom.
Finally coming closer to the old streets that were familiar I came back to the ground. Still sneaking in the shadows.
Stopping for a minute and letting out a breath, someone pinned me to the wall, my back facing the person...he/she was holding me by my neck and arms so I couldn't move.

"Long time no see Winwin...where have you been."
A bright voice said.
"where is your brother...I need to see him."
"you do know that you aren't allowed to come here anymore do you." the voice said in a warning tone.

Oh yeah, I forgot that...


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