Chapter Thirty Seven

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It was time to bring Kolter Grey home! Hannah had been in the hospital for a week, and everyone was so excited. Morgan was going to be staying with her for a bit while the adjusted, and they even asked if I wanted to stay, but declined. The wedding was in a week, so I wanted to do some last  minute planning, but I was going to be going to every single day to visit.

Naomi, Jennifer, and I tried to get everything cleaned up and looking nice for when they got to their house. Naomi was the most excited, and had fallen in love with Kolter Grey. I'm pretty sure Jennifer felt like a grandmother, considering that she was the oldest of the girls, and acted like their mother.

"Okay, Hannah just texted and said that they're going to be here in about ten minutes" I said.

"Well, I think everything is ready for them" Naomi says.

"Should we order food tonight instead of cooking?" Jennifer asks.

"Maddie and Tae are bringing dinner over tonight" I say.

"Hell, you still need a birthday meal. Kolter Grey ruined that" Naomi jokes.

"Yes, but would you rather have eaten burgers or held that little boy?" I ask. She smiles.

"I mean, I love you, but Kolter Grey is my little dude" She says. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I don't blame you there" I say. We all laugh.

We all heard a door slam, and rushed to the door.

"Hey, y'all!" Maddie says.

"It's just you" Naomi says. I gently hit her arm.

"Well, I love you too" Maddie says.

"I guess they're not here yet" Tae says. I nod. "Well, we brought over some pizza, and I got Han a salad. I figured they'd want to eat when they got here".

"They're probably five minutes out, so come on in. It can be ready when they get here" I say.

"Tae and I will set up" Jennifer says. They went to set up and Maddie, Naomi, and I sat in the living room and waited.

We heard another car door slam, we shot up and went to the door.

"Damn" Naomi says. It was Thomas and Lauren with the girls.

"Well, who peed in her cherrios?" Thomas asked.

"Don't mind her. She's just wanting them to get here with the baby" I say. Maddie leaned down to Ada James.

"AJ, go cheer up auntie Naomi" She says. She smiled and ran and jumped on Naomi's lap. Thst helped her mood.

"Cal, we all wanted to come over and redo your birthday" Lauren says.

"Well, that's fine. Come on in" I say. They all gathered around. Thomas went to the kitchen to see if the girls needed any help. Lauren sat with the other girls and I and waited for Morgan and Hannah with the baby.

About five minutes passed and Morgan walked in carrying the carseat.

"Look who's here to party" He says and sets the seat on the coffee table. Hannah followed behind. We all hugged her, then passed the baby around. He was wearing a onesie that had Morgan's logo on it.

"My little dude is already reppin daddy" Morgan says holding holding him close to his chest. Thomas then walked in.

"My man has got his daddy's merch already" He says. Morgan handed Kolter Grey to him. I leaned over towards Lauren.

"Our boys love that little man more than they do us" I joke. She agreed though.

"I guess I need to pop another out" She jokes. Hannah sat down beside me.

"You wanna know who drove home? Me! Morgan sat in the back with the baby" She says. All us girls shoot Morgan a look.

"What? I wanted to make sure he was safe" He says.

"Did you have your uterus taken out of your body and cut open?" Naomi asks. He just looked at her. "I didn't think so". We all knew she was joking.

"You're not supposed to let the mama drive after a surgery like that" I say.

"Well, Hannah, I'm sorry" Morgan says.

"Man, you men are dumb sometimes" Lauren adds. We all laugh.

"Okay, we're goin outside. We don't need this negativity from the women. Let's go, Kolter Grey" Thomas says taking the baby from Morgan. They all walked outside.

"Cal, he's loving that baby more than anything" Maddie says.

"I know. It makes me want one" I say. The girls laugh.

"Hell, I'll take another baby" Naomi says.

"Me too" Tae adds. They were playing with Willa and Ada.

"Tae, tell Josh that. Naomi, you are not having a kid anytime soon" Hannah says.

"Why? You just had one" She says.

"I know, but I need you to take care of us and you can't do that if you have your own" She says. Naomi smiles at her. See, I told you they truly loved each other.

"Cal, can have one for us then" Naomi says.

"I'm just trying to get married next week" I say. They all laugh.

"Cal, have you ever sat back and thought about how much had changed since you moved here?" Jennifer asks.

"I wonder that too" Maddie adds. "Like, I remember you hiding in the bathroom from Morgan the first day you were at Jett Records".

"Yeah, and you were so terrified of upsetting Hannah and didnt want her to know about your past with Morgan" Tae adds.

"Then you dated Matt and Morgan beat him up and confessed his love for you in front of Hannah" Naomi adds in.

"Then, we made up and we all went to Sneedville with you guys. You found out that I was pregnant and got engaged all in one day. And after that, ended your engagement because of me" Hannah chimes in.

"Finally, Thomas Rhett and I finally got you to, as Naomi would say, get your head out of your ass and realize you needed to patch it up with Morgan. Then you did." Lauren says.

"And now I'm here. Great friends with you still" I say to Hannah in a joking manor. "The step mama of your kid, and now I'm marrying the boy I've wanted to be with since I was a kid myself. That's crazy". All of us smile as we reminisced the eight months.

"I think Thomas Rhett says it best" Lauren says. I look at her, then around at all the girls.

"Yes, he does. Ain't it funny how life changes".

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