Chapter Thirty Five

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It's my birthday! March 29th. I was turning 24 and I was so excited because we were having a party tonight at the house. Maddie, Tae, Hannah, Naomi, Jennifer, Thomas,  Lauren, and their girls were joining Morgan and I for our celebration. We weren't doing anything special though, just cooking and having a big dinner with all our close friends. Carter and Kennedy were going to drive down, but the ended up not being able too.

Morgan and Thomas cooked on the grill. It was a nice spring day in Nashville, and my apartment had a nice balcony that we put the grill on. The girls and I played around with Willa Gray and Ada James. Hannah was 38 weeks, so she was getting aggravated and moody and just ready to have the baby.

There was truly nothing better than spending a day like this with the people that you cared the most about. I hadn't known any of the girls or Thomas too long, but they all felt like family to me already, and they all even treated Carter like family. The only ones she hadn't met yet were Thomas and Lauren, but she got too at the wedding. And she was even more excited about that because Thomas was actually walking down the aisle with Carter, because he was the best man and Carter was my maid of honor. Luke Combs was a groomsman and he was walking with Maddie, and then Jason Aldean was the final groomsman and Tae was my last bridesmaid. We asked Kennedy, Willa Gray, and Ada James to be the flower girls, and we decided not to do a ring bearers because we didnt want to risk losing them. The wedding was on April 13th, so we had only fifteen days left until we said 'I do'. We were hoping that the baby came on his due date or before.

Morgan and Thomas had finished up the food, and brought everything inside to the table. We all sat down.

"I'll be right back. My food is in the fridge" Hannah says. She was vegan, so she wasnt eating hamburgers with us.

"Do you want me to get it?" I ask.

"No, I've got it" She says before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Babe, did you get the ketchup and mustard?" Morgan asks.

"No, but I will" I say before walking into the kitchen. It was a good thing I did too, because hannah was gripping the fridge so tight that her fingers were white and she was bent over clutching her stoamch. "Oh, my god. Han!" I say rushing to her.

"I'm fine. Everything's okay" She says.

"Are you in-".

"No! Don't say it" She says. "I can't be in labor, because this is your birthday. It's about you". Just then, a puddle of water hit the ground.

"Well, unless you just peed on my floor, it's about to be your baby's too" I say. She laughed.

"Take me to a hospital" She says. I nod before walking into the dining area.

"Okay, y'all. My birthday dinner has to wait because Kolter Grey is about to make his appearance in this world" I say calmly. Morgan looks at Thomas.

"You get Hannah, I'll get the car" Thomas says. Morgan nods and they both bolt past me.

"She's in labor? Oh, my god. He's coming. The baby is coming!" Naomi says with panic in her voice.

"Naomi" I say.

"We have to get her to the hospital. She's got to have the epidural. She's a sissy and can't take pain. We gotta make sure the doctors know!".


"Come on! We have to-".

I finally grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Stop! You're not the pregnant one and you're not the father! Everything is okay, but you've got to be calm" I say. Morgan walked back in with Hannah in his arms.

"Let's go" He says. We all race down the steps. Lauren had Ada James in her arms and Maddie took Willa Gray. Morgan, Hannah, and I all piled into Thomas and Lauren's car. Thankfully, they had a mom van, so there was plenty of room. Maddie, Tae, Naomi, and Jennifer all drove Maddie's car.

We got to the hospital, and Morgan and Thomas carried Hannah in. Lauren and I had the babies, and  followed behind them. The other four girls followed behind us.

"Excuse me, she's in labor" Morgan says.

"Alright, let me check and see if we have any avai-". Hannah screams out in pain. Naomi started to get annoyed.

"If you don't get her a damn room right now, I swear to go I am going to-" I cut Naomi off.

"Ma'am, you really don't want my friend here to finish that sentence, so could you please just get her a room?" I ask. She nodded and another nurse got Hannah and wheelchair. We all watched as she disappeared behind the doors to go get checked out. Morgan filled out some paperwork.

Maddie, Tae, Jennifer, Naomi, Thomas, Lauren, and the girls all found the waiting room. Morgan and I went to find the doctor.

"Okay, so everything is okay, but she has been in labor all day, so she is ready to go. The problem is that the baby in breech, so she's going to need a Cesarean. Do you all know where the father is?" He asks.

"I'm the father, and this is my fiancee. It's a really long story" He says.

"Well, do you want to go back with us?" He asks. He looked over at me.

"You're not letting her do this alone. Go" I say.

"You sure?" He asks. I nod. He kisses me before the doctor told him to follow him. I went back to the waiting room. 

"What's the news?" Maddie asks.

"Morgan just went back there. They're delivering the baby now. She needs a C Section" I say.

"This baby is coming on your birthday" Tse says with a smile.

"I know he is. I'm excited" I say. We all sat back down and just waited. Naomi obviously got annoyed with waiting, but she ended up playing with Willa Gray and Ada James, so she was fine after that. Now, it was just a waiting game to meet Kolter Grey.

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