Chapter Twenty

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Friday morning I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night long, but I didn't know why. I guessed maybe it was because we were leaving tomorrow morning and I really didn't want too. I kind of wished that I grew up here with all my friends I met in Nashville. It was so perfect for all of us being here, but I guess I loved our Nashville life too. Despite everything that's happened down there.

I eventually decided to get up out of bed around 3AM and get some tea. When I walked into the living room, I realized that I wasnt the only one who was unable to sleep. Hannah sat on the couch, but something was wrong. She had a trash can in front of her.

"Hey. Han, you okay?" I ask. She looked up at me. I sat down next to her.

"I feel like complete shit" She says.

"What's wrong?".

"I woke up at 1 this morning and felt like I was going go puke, and I did. I have been ever since. I can't even keep water down" She says.

"Well, maybe you caught some stomach bug. How long has that been going on?" I ask. I had never seen her look so terrible before.

"Honestly, a lot. Atleast it has been the past week or two. I just thought it was a bug too, but something just isn't right" She says.

"What do you mean?".

"I've been really sore too. Like muscle aches all over and some tenderness, and I can barely fit in what I usually wear now" She says. It hit me then what I thought was wrong, but I needed to be sure.

"Um, I'll be right back. You need to talk to Carter" I say. She nods. I came back and sat down with her a few minutes later. Carter sat on the coffee table infront of her. "Tell her what's going on".

"I'm sick a lot, in the mornings specifically, and I'm sore, and all my clothes are not fitting right" Hannah explains. "I just feel terrible". Carter looked over at me and nodded her head. I knew what that meant. I had told her what I thought was going on, and now she just confirmed my theory.

"I'll be right back" Carter says and disappears into her bedroom for a few minutes.

"Does she know what's wrong?" Hannah asks. "Was she a med student or something?".

"Uh, No. But...she knows what you're going through because she's been through it" I say. I really didn't know how she was so oblivious to what was wrong.

"What is it?" She asks. "I mean, I hate feeling this way. I just want to kn-". Before she could finish her sentence, she puked again. I put my hand on her back and tried to pull her hair out of the way. She looked back over at me.

"Hannah, do you want to know what it is?" I ask. She slowly nods her head. I swallow hard before speaking again."You're pregnant". She stared at me with tears in her eyes. Carter joined us again with a pregnancy test in her hand.

"I-I...I don't-".

"Go take the test, Han" Carter says. She looked down at the test and nods. We watched her get up and walk to the bathroom. She came back out in no time and extended the test in my direction.

"I can't look. Will you?" She asks. I take the test from her hand. She sat back down beside me. Three minutes passed and I looked down at the test. My heart sank for her.

"It's positive" I say softly. Her head fell into her hands. I couldn't react. I just stared at the test while Carter hugged her and tried to comfort her. A million thoughts swirled around in my head, so I couldn't imagine what was going on in Hannah's.

She had calmed down a bit and Carter left the two of us alone.

"Cal, I...I am so sorry" She says. I smile at her.

"No. Don't be. This is a very happy thing" I say. She sniffled.

"But, you do know that...Morgan is the only guy I've ever been with" She says.

"I could've guessed that" I say.

"I've got to be atleast 8 weeks. The last time we...well it was the fourth of July party" She says.

"Well, how did you not suspect anything?" I ask. "I mean, haven't you been late?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I just thought it was probably due to stress, and didnt think about it. I don't know why I was that stupid. I mean, I'm not on the pill or anything, but I guess you just never think it'll happen to you" She says.

"It did happen" I say. She sighs.

"Yeah. It did" She says.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"Well, I know that Morgan is your boyfriend and everything, but I...I really don't want to give up my baby, Cal" She says. I scoff.

"Han, did you think I'd make you? Or Morgan? It's not ideal, but I would never ask you to give up your baby. I mean, I'm not a mother, and despite the circumstances, it's amazing and I'm happy for you" I say. She looked so relived, which kind of broke my heart.

"Will you help me tell Morgan when we get back to Nashville?" She asks. I nod. "I need to tell the girls when they wake up".

"Well, you're my friend, and you've got my support completely. And, for what it's worth, I think you'll be an amazing mother" I say. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks, Cal. That means more to me than you'll ever know".

ooh! a baby! what do you guys think about that? comment below!

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