Chapter Thirty Four

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It was March 5th. It was a very important day for all the women at the studio, because we were planning a surprise baby shower for Hannah. She was 35 weeks pregnant, and had been feeling like crap since January, so we wanted to do something nice for her. Plus, she needed stuff for the baby still.

Naomi kept her occupied while Jennifer, Maddie, and Tae decorated the lounge at the studio and Lauren Akins and I went out and bought food and some things for a few games. It was kind of perfect because Thomas was going out with Morgan. We had no idea what they were doing, but they were staying in tents with a few other guys, so I could only imagine.

We bought several fruit and vegetable trays and then a cake that said 'Baby Kolter Grey is on the way!'. And was completely blue. Blue cake, icing, everything. We were all so excited for a baby boy.

We got back to the studio and the girls had the room compl done with streamers, a photo booth, and baby boy decorations. Now all we had to do was wait for Naomi to drag Hannah here. They were taking forever, so Jennifer called them. We didn't want Hannah to know anything, so we had told her that I wanted to do a weekend session with them.

Jennifer: where are you guys? Cal and I have been waiting forever.

Naomi: well, if Hannah would fucking hurry up!

Hannah: im fucking sick. why do i need to be there?

Naomi: because you're part of the damn band. get in the damn car!

Jennifer: Han, we just need you for a bit. cone on.

Hannah: dude, im huge and sick. do i have too?

Naomi: yes! now let's fucking go!

Hannah: god, i hate you!

Naomi: i love you too. come on!

Jennifer: are you on your way?

Naomi: yeah, we'll be there soon.

Jennifer hung up and we  all started dying laughing.

"How do you handle them?" I ask.

"You know, they're so different, yet so alike. It's crazy" She says.

"But, you gotta love it" Lauren says.

"Oh, I do. We wouldn't be the band we are without them. And, those two love each other more than anything" Jennifer says. I loved this little group of people here.

Naomi texted Jennifer and said they were there, so we had turned all the lights out so they didnt see anything when they walked in. A few minutes later, the door opened.

"Oh, look. Jenn and Cal aren't even here!" Hannah rants.

"Hannah" Naomi says.


"Shut up" She said just before flipping the light on and we all yelled surprise. Hannah was so shocked.

"Oh, my god!" She shrieks. She looks to Naomi. "You knew!".

"Well, of course I did" She says before hugging her. We all laughed and hugged her too. Lauren bad given her a sash that said 'Mommy To Be' on it.

"Guys, you all should not have done this" Hannah says.

"Well, if you didn't stop being so stubborn, we wouldn't have gotten too" I say. She smiles.

"Hey, I'm pushing a baby out of me soon. I think I have the right to he a little stubborn" She says. We all just rolled our eyes and laughed.

After we had all talked and eaten and played games. Hannah opened baby gifts. Morgan and I went and picked out a crib and changing table for her, and Naomi and Jennifer bought the changing table and a couple seats for the baby. Maddie and Tae separately got her a lot of little onesies and cute clothes. She had also gotten a lot of little toys and things. Carter sent her a package with a lot of gender neutral toys that Kennedy used to play with but doesnt anymore. Finally, Lauren gave her an old quilt. That kind of took Hannah by surprise.

"Oh, my gosh" She says.

"Now, this was actually from Thomas Rhett. This was his old quilt, but we aren't having anymore babies, so we wanted you to have this" She says.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much" She says angry gives her a hug. "I can't thank all of you guys enough. I mean, being twenty three and having a baby is insane and I don't think I could do it without all of you. And I can't thank you enough, Cal, for being so accepting and loving my baby as your own already. I know I'm getting ready to he a mama, are too. Get ready".

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