Chapter Nineteen

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A week had already passed here in Sneedville. It was Thursday. We all went to Whiskey House every night and goofed around. Morgan, Maddie & Tae, and Runaway June all did mini "concerts". Meaning, the each played about two songs each. Tomorrow was our last day before we left Saturday morning. I was excited about open mic night, but I was even more excited about tonight. Morgan and I were having a date night while Carter, Maddie, Tae, Hannah, and Jennifer all went out and shopped around the little shops in town. Kennedy was so excited to tag along with them, but all I cared about was Morgan. We had only been dating again for about a week, but I've loved this man for almost ten years.

Of course he didnt tell me where we were going, but when we took a turn down a little dirt road, I knew.

"Oh, my god. This place still exists?" I ask as we parked and turned the car off. We both got out of the car. We were at the spot we always went to before either of us could drive. It was a little pond about a mile down from Morgan's house.

"Of course it does" He says. "This was our place. It has to remain forever".

"Just like you and me?" I ask. He instantly smiled. We were walking down to the dock of the pond.

"Have I ever told you how in love with you I am?" He asks. I blushed.

"Yes, but I'll never get sick of hearing you say it" I say as we reach the dock. He always packed a pic nic, but we mostly just swam around in the small pond, but for now...we just dipped our feet in.

"You know, Cal. Being back home with you has made me feel like that kid again. I didn't know I missed that feeling so much until we were singing together the other night" He says. My heart melted.

"I didn't know that I did either. And, I've got to be honest with you...I never want to go back to not having you by my side. I mean, I don't want to live without you anymore" I say. He puts his hand on my thigh and I lean into him.

"Callan, I can and I will make a promise to you right now. From this day on.
August 22nd to the rest of our are never, ever going to have to live without me" He says.

"Can I hold you to that?" I ask raising up to look at him in the eyes.

"You know you can, baby" He says. I nuzzle into him. Once again, I felt like that little girl I used to be. Young, Dumb, and so so in love even though I really had no idea what it meant. And honestly, at twenty three, I still didn't know what it meant, but I knew that Morgan was the person that I always wanted by my side when all my dreams came true. He was the person I wanted to live my life and grow old with. He was the person that I always wanted to sing old country love songs with. He was the person that I wanted to love for the rest of my life.

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