Returning to the Meeting Not as Strangers, but as Good Friends

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Sentry goin up

[A/N : Filler filler filler filler help]

{A/N : And thus begins part 2. Let's get right into it because I have big plans for this part. This is mostly filler though, so i didnt have much motivation to write which is why this is late as hell.}



Everything hurts.


Make it stop.


This can't be real.






Tomorrow is a day wiped clean, ready to make new memories.

Let's not waste it on remembering the past instead.


"Non, you're pronouncing it wrong. Its Keh-neir-ree, not Cah-nair-ree." Matthew stated, drawing out the words while tilting his hands to the beat.

"Cah-near-rai." Russia said, blankly staring at Canada thiught frustration could be easily seen in his expression.

The both of them paused in their current stare down, taking in what Ivan just said. Canada, of course, was the first one to break down laughing, covering his mouth so it wouldnt be too obvious to any countries lingering near the entrance of the world meeting room.

"All right, all right, very funny joke. Mind explaining to me what the heck you just said there, Monieau?" Matthew said inbetween laughs, Ivan struggling to find a good spot to say words without cutting himself off.

"I dont know, Kanareyka. I dont even know-" Russia snorted at the end of his sentence, resulting in a short, completely silent pause before the two of them started laughing even harder.

So, if you couldnt tell, they had grown quite close. Approximately three months had passed since the last time we left off, and now we're sitting at a nice and cozy world meeting. Well, as cozy as it's going to get before it actually starts. They ended up getting here early, so they decided to just hang out in the meeting room and goof off until other countries started to pour in the doors.

Around 20 minutes had already passed when they first arrived, so they've already had a ton of fun. First thing they did was pretty juvenile, but considering that they never really had a opportunity to do something like that while also having a good chance to not be caught, it deemed fitting. You know those strange 'cat' drawings students would draw onto whiteboards whenever the teacher left to go do something? Well, the first thing they did was exactly that. And with the power of both whiteboard marker and permanent marker, they created a masterpiece of a cat on the board. Soon enough the dirty secret hidden within the drawing would be revealed, and a fit of laughter would be too. Well, hopefully not a fit of laughter that would reveal them as the culprits, but a fit of laughter from the sheer juvenile aspect of the drawing. Dicks are fun to laugh at, okay? No need to judge, if you were already judging.

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