Relationships Between Blades and Frost

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(A/N : I'm gonna start using these as summaries since that's what I usually do. Anyways, the first step is taken into the dancing ground of blades and ice. Canada cannot help but be reminded of himself when he first started ice skating when watching Russia. Once again, just wanted to listen to music while writing this so it doesnt correlate with the story.)

(Additional A/N: Have you listened to Cut My Hair or This Is Home? They're both great songs and I love them equally.)

[Additional additional A/N: Damn, I dont like this chapter very much tbh. ]


{No PoV Change, still on Russia}

Russia didnt know what he had been expecting when he first saw the building. I mean, it was made for ice skating and other ice related sports. But he sure wasn't expecting this big of a rink to fit inside of what seemed to be a small stadium.

The ice looked clean, as if it were still brand new. There were little to no scratch marks on the surface, signifying that either barely anyone skates here or it's cleaned well and daily. Ivan was having a hard tim deciding between those.

Canada finally lowered his arms and looked over at Russia, smiling awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck.

"S-Sorry, I dont get the chance to show people this often. Or rather at all." Matthew admitted shyly before pointing to the room that was on the sidelines.

While the ice rink may be large, there was still a small walled concrete path wrapped around it. There was also an extended part on the left side which included a couple of benches for people to rest on. However, there was only one entrance and exit to the rink, and it was right in front of the door this whole area. It was pretty weirdly designed, but Russia wouldn't be able say anything since he's never really seen any other ice rinks before.

Matthew began walking over to the room, Ivan following quickly behind. Sure it was a pretty open place, but he still didnt want to somehow get lost. Who knew where that room led too or what it looked like on the inside. Maybe it was a labyrinth filled with monsters alright out of maze runner or maybe it was just a normal locker room. The possibilities are endless with things like this.

Canada grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open, revealing a dark and honestly pretty spooky room. Russia raised his eyebrow as Canada casually entered without a light source. He contemplated whether or not going in was a good idea until the lights inside said room flickered on, revealing what seemed to be rows and rows of lockers. Ivan wandered inside and turned to his left, revealing that the person who had previously walked inside was messing around with what seemed be be an array of switches.

"There we go, now we dont have to wander around in the dark." Canada stated, moving away from the switches and walking towards Ivan with his usual trademark smile. "What's your shoe size?"

Russia was confused at first, then realized that oh yeah they were going to be figure skating. Of course he needed special shoes for that. Specifically the kind that has blades on the bottom.

"Size 10." Russia said, his expression as blank as ever. Matthew nodded and walked over to a counter on the right of the door, sliding over it and into what seemed to be a storage area.

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