The Meaningless Conversations That We Have

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[A/N : Not much happens here except that they fly to Canada and talk a little bit. They also drive, which turns out to be a little bit chaotic. Also, the music has no effect on the story. I just wanted to listen to it when writing this.]

[A/N Part 2 : Yes, I still suck with Russian accents. No big surprise. I also use google translate. Dont kill me please.]


{PoV change >>>> Russia}

Russia was almost sure he was hallucinating when he followed Canada to the airfield and saw the little red plane that sat on the sidelines. It seemed to only have seats for two people, one for the pilot and the other for a passenger. Of course, when he first saw it, he was convinced that a human had made an emergency landing or something on the airfield.

Well, to say that Ivan was shocked and impressed that the plane belonged to Canada who had actually flown here without assistance was a little more than an understatement.

"You might want to tighten the seat straps back there. Alfred sometimes catches airplane rides with me and always forgets to reset them." A soft, almost whisper like, voice came from the seat in front of Russia.

Almost immediately, Ivan tugged at the belt that was hanging loosely on his chest. He winced as he quickly tightened it to the point of the belt practically strangling his torso, not risking falling out of a plane. Sure, he was afraid of little to nothing. However, falling was definitely a no-go for him. There was nothing that could scare him more than the latch suddenly popping open mid-flight and him getting yanked from his seat, being thrusted into clear open skies with no way of promising a safe landing.

Shudders ran down his spine as he imagined how painful it would be to die in such a way.

"Are you ready? J-Just in case you want to know, there's a handle on the roof that you can hold onto if you aren't exactly a fan of being up in the sky. Alfred uses it whenever I start doing tricks close to the ground to freak him out heh heh." Canada's shakey tone made Ivan realize that the Canadian probably never had anyone else besides his brother in the passenger seat behind him, which was understandable.

From what Russia knows, Canada has never been too noticed by other countries besides him, America, and sometimes Netherlands and France. Even with that, Russia is nearly certain that nobody besides Alfred and now him has ever wanted to fly home with Canada before. Well, if he was noticed even. It's still a pretty weird concept to Ivan on how people can just stare through the second largest country like they were nothing but an invisible ghost. Seriously, even Sealand got more attention and he was one of (if not) the smallest countries.

After a few moments of mental pondering, the roar of an engine kicked Russia out of his reality consuming thoughts. He felt himself tighten the seatbelt even further somehow. It, for some odd reason, was kind of scary leaving your safety in someone else's hands. Usually it's not a problem for many people, but for Ivan it was a pretty big thing which is why he often drove or flew his way to places instead of letting someone else take the wheel. Maybe it was from spending alot of his early years being targeted by other countries. Then again, you cant be too sure when dealing with emotions like these.

"S-Sorry if I startled you! It would just be pretty weird if we just sat here in a plane for too long. S-So I'll just take the silence as a yes!" Canada said, his voice growing in confidence as he continued speaking.

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