what are you doing home?” he ask me.

I back away from him, as he try to grab my shirt.

i forgot my things” I said.

I continue backing away, till a stinging sensation was strike upon my cheek. I blink my eyes to gain vision. Before I had time to react. He held my shirt in a tight grip. I look away from his hard cold eyes.

your running away with that atrocious boy, aren't you?” he seethe.

I try to pull my body away,but his fist was hard on my shirt.

no,she isn't” Mary said

I look toward her as she dump all the contents out of the bag onto the floor. I kick my legs and try to break free. I let out a blood curdling scream,but a hand was place upon my mouth. My head was smash into the wall. No I need to fight. I ignore the blows to my stomach. I continue fighting as Mary went upstairs. I let my body handle the impact as I was drag downstairs. I quickly grab one of the banister and wrap my hands around them tightly.

oh no you don't little girl” he snarled.

I scream and cried out as his shoes ram onto my arm. The intense and powerful force of his shoe as I ram into my arm. I'm pretty sure it's broken. I look as Mary drop my things on the floor. I squint m eyes to look closer,to realize it was all pictures of me and Nathan. I was drag down toward the pile. I look at all the things we got and I kept. What was it-

no!,” my muffle screams were cried.

I watch as that tiny match of fire touch my memories and burn them. I kick and dd everything in my power to be freed. I heard the vibration of my phone. I look toward Mary as she smash my phone into pieces. My heart hurt so much of how I can picture Nathan heart broken and crumpled. My body shaken with tears and hurt. The ringing of the front door lift my spirits,maybe it was Nathan. I cried more as I saw I was a driver and a passport to Greece. I knew at that moment that I would never see Nathan again.


I let out a blood curdling scream as I watch my past over and over. I bang my hand on the floor and scream for anyone to save me from this nightmare. I fight to break this nightmare. I shriek as I peel open my eyes and realize I was in my bed. I calm my heart and felt my body. I look at the clock. It was 5:30A.M present day July,30 Thursday. I got up out the bed and try to get the nightmare out of me,but I couldn't and I know why.

Your past will always come back to haunt you,even if you forget it ,it will re-appear. I grab my car keys and walk down the hall. I tip-toe,so I wouldn't wake up zach. I knew what I had to do. Wow it took me 10 years,some months,days,and a nightmare to tell me. I unlock my car and start the ignition. As I back out the drive way and into the woods. I ponder on how I would tell Nathan. Say “hey Nathan,well I've been holding things back for ten years and I want to tell you, the day of the train station, I didn't come because I was sent to Greece and I’ve always loved you and will always love you” I thought. Nope that's horrible,maybe I’ll just wing and it speak from the heart

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