Christmas miracle/New Years Kiss/Finale

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<Herc and Laf are video-chatting>

"Hey Laf."

"Herc." Laf smiled a beaming smile, making Herc smile back.

"How's France?"

Laf shrugged. "Oh, ya know, it's France."

"You're very nonchalant about it."

"I lived here my entire life, amour. You'd be bored of it too."

"I guess." Herc paused, drinking up his girlfriends tired features. Most notably the bags under her eyes. "Tough time back?"

Laf shrugged. "More like a busy one." She sighed. "So, how is everyone?"

"Eliza and Markus are dating, Tammie and Alex are now sworn enemies, Charles and Samantha are dating, which is pissing off Aaron, and Alex and John are pretty close friends now."

Laf nodded as a doorbell sounded. "Hold on."

She got up, and left the bedroom to get a package. She quickly ran back to her room, holding the box in front of her webcam.

"Did you send this?"

Herc nodded, smiling. "I really hope you like it."

Laf opened the package to find a homemade dress, fit for the holidays.

Picture above, since idk how to describe that. ^^^

"Did you make this?"

Hercules smiled, nodding. "You like it?"

"Mon amour, I love it!"

Lafayette quickly ran off screen to try it on to find that the dress fitted perfectly, complementing her curves. She sat back in front of her webcam, grinning from ear to ear, wearing her gift.

"Unfortunately, your gift cant be shipped for another week."

Hercules waved her off. "It's fine Laf. I'd rather receive my gift later rather than never anyways."

The couple talked for hours, enjoying the other's company, even if it's through a screen. Laf didn't tell her boyfriend this, but she was planning to come back to America on Christmas Day, hence why she said that his gift wasn't coming for another week.

(As I'm writing this part, it's the week before Christmas, so)

~<Fast forward a week-Christmas Eve-Midnight>~

Tammie quietly opened the front door for her younger cousin, who already put her bags under her bed in the dorm she shared with Herc (who is still oblivious to the fact that Laf is home). Tammie noticed that Laf was also wearing the dress Herc sent her, which made Tammie smile slightly.

"Cachez-vous dans le placard." Tammie whispered. "Hercules est là, et je ne veux rien risquer."
(Hide in the closet-Hercules is here, and I don't want to risk anything)

Laf nodded, hiding in a nearby linen closet, closing the door behind her quietly.


"That should be all of the gifts." James muttered, noticing that everyone has opened all of their gifts. "We should-"

"Wait!" Tammie said quickly. "There's one more gift, for Herc specifically. It's in the linen closet there." She quickly pointed to the closet Laf was hiding in. "It's Laffy's gift to you, remember?"

Something new [Genderbent Hamilton College AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora