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You are cordially invited at a party taking place at the one and only Tamantha Jefferson's dorm room.

Please bring friends (3 maximum)
Liquor (preferably something strong)
And food

I'll see you there!

~Tamantha J. 💕


I groaned at Burr. "I am not going."

"C'mon Laurens, it's just one party!" Burr begged. "Laf and Herc are going!"

I thought about it for a moment. "Fine." I sighed. "But only because I don't have anything else to do."

Burr grinned. "Yes! Thank you, Laurens!"

I rolled my eyes as I headed towards the door.



This is exactly why I don't go to parties. I hate loud noises and lights and people. I looked around for any familiar face. All of a sudden, someone bumped into me. I looked at them, irritated.

She seemed to be blushing, and almost like she was shoved. She was a few inches shorter than me, going to about my shoulders. She had long brown hair that was tied in a low ponytail, a black tank top with a blue hoodie over it, and jeans. She seemed to be out of her comfort zone as well.

"Oof, s-sorry!" She apologized. "My friends can be dicks sometimes."

"Heh, I know the feeling." I said. I look back towards her direction to see Peggy and Laf giggling. "And it seems we have the same group of friends."

"Oh, so you know Peggy and Marie?" She asked. I nodded. "Huh, I don't think they ever mentioned you."

I shrugged. "They probably have, but you might not know."

She nodded, sticking her hand out. "I'm Alexandra, by the way."

I shook her hand. "John."

"I'm sorry, I just have to say this, but your freckles are absolutely adorable."

I chuckled. "Um, th-thanks." I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "I like your eyes. They're....unique. I don't think I've ever seen someone with violet eyes."

She blushed. "I get that a lot. Thanks."

I smiled a sad smile. "Listen, i don't want to seem like I'm interested, because I'm not." I said as gently as possible. "Er, I mean, you seem like a really nice and smart girl, but....I'm not interested in girls....because I'm gay...." I saw her face fall in disappointment.

"Ah, I see..." She looked at the ground, then back at me with a sad smile. "Can we at least be friends?"

I smiled and nodded. "Friends."


Of course he's gay. OF COURSE! Why wouldn't he be gay!? All of the cute guys are gay!

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