Tegan Nox - The Shiniest Savior

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Hey there everyone,

This chapter is the finale for the Under A Glass Moon saga. I know it has been a few days since I introduced someone new, but today marks the day that more characters will be met by Y/N after he recovered.

I hope you still have as much fun reading as I have writing.

All eyes went right on the mysterious stranger who just walked into the old warehouse. Everyone was confused, only seeing dark clothes and a mask until the stranger walked further into the building while taking everything in around them. Asuka couldn't stand another person just waltzing in like this, so she gathered all of her remaining strength and charged at the stranger, who in return grabbed her by her shoulders and slammed her through the desk that was next to the door. Kairi gasped in shock, but was met with a pair of brass knuckles to the jaw, knocking her out cold. Rhea and Dakota didn't know why this person was helping them until that same person walked over to the two. It was only then that the stranger revealed themselves to everyone as Dakota's best friend, Tegan Nox. Her long brown hair flowed down her back completely free as her brown eyes scan Rhea and Dakota. Tegan smiled and shook her head.

Tegan:" You could've waited until I was back, you know?"

Dakota:" Oh my god Tegan, what are you doing here?"

Tegan:" I just got back from that convention I told everyone about and that's where I got the mask. Had I known you would be having this kind of party, I would've come back immediatly. Now, what even happened here?"

Rhea:" We should talk about it when we're back home. Let's free Y/N."

Tegan:" Who?"

Y/N:" Me. The guy with the chains around his wrists and ankles."

Tegan:" Oh right. I should've seen that first. Alright, we're gonna bust these chains."

So, Tegan and Rhea went over to the altar to do their best to bust the chains open and free Y/N whose legs fell numb through everything. The restricted blood flow made it almost impossible to even move a bit and the tugging didn't help either. That's when Dakota came in with a branch to pry them open. She carefully wrenched the wood in between the locks and put her full weight in to break at least one of the chains. Rhea quickly pulled Y/N's underwear up to cover his private parts. Not everyone needed to get a good look at them upon arrival. Asuka and Kairi were still breathing, but not moving which should make handing them over to the law later on much easier.

Rhea:" Geez Y/N, you got yourself in a load of trouble in just one day. How are you gonna explain that to your kids in the future?"

Y/N:" You're not the one who was dragged through the mud by a mule before being chained on this thing. Gosh, I feel awful."

Tegan:" Well, judging from the scars and whatever that stuff on your chest is, you got messed up pretty much."

Dakota:" Don't worry, Y/N. We will prepare a hot bath for you to wash yourself while. After that, it's time to sleep."

This sounded much better than what happened before. A nice bath, a comfy bed and finally being with normal people again. Y/N couldn't wait to get home. He needed to be with his friends again after all that crazy bullshit.

Tegan:" But where exactly will he sleep?"

Rhea:" Y/N was sharing the master bedroom with Dakota before getting kidnapped."

Tegan:" Excuse me?!"

Rhea:" Relax. They didn't do anything to each other in there."

Dakota:" It was my decision and Y/N accepted the offer. I thought you might be fine with it. Who of us could've known you'd be back this early?"

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