Vicky Haskins - Special Card Game

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A few hours have passed since the Pay-Per-View ended and just about everyone went either to the hotel or somewhere else to celebrate. It was an awesome show for everyone involved, eventhough Mark and Tracy almost lost their match earlier. Nonetheless their entire team was happy for the success that night. Tracy decided to immediatly head to the hotel while Mark said he woukd go out with some friends. Y/N didn't mind it that much as he put his ring gear away and was about to leave the locker room until he was stopped by none other than Vicky, who seemed quite excited to be near the young man. Her previous advances were playful and fun in her opinion as she always made sure that only Y/N caught on. And he did, for whatever reason. However, it surprised him that Vicky would wanna keep him around after the event.

Y/N:" Hey Vicky, what's the matter?"

Vicky:" Hey there, Y/N. Would you please a little longer? I have something to talk to you about."

Y/N:" Ummm, sure I guess. I got a few minutes before I'm going to head out."

Vicky smiled to herself and closed the door behind her to make this moment more private, just the way she wanted it to be. Y/N caught her attention quite quickly to be honest and she was not going to miss out on anything.

Vicky:" You've got a really comfortable locker room to yourself here, Y/N. I didn't know you got such a special treatment."

Y/N:" I think this one is just for the night. Usually I have to share the same one with the other guys."

Vicky:" You're...different from others though."

Y/N:" And what exactly do you mean by that?"

Y/N was genuinly curious to hear the pretty redhead answer as he sat down in a recliner. Vicky didn't seem like the girl next door or something.  Instead, she was more out there and open about a lot of things, which often created new opportunities.

Vicky:" What I mean is that you're charming without even trying. You're just doing what you think is best and you take care of everyone and everything you care about while being selfless."

Y/N:" That's just who I am, Vicky. I don't see anything special about that, y'know?"

Vicky:"Yet you have an aura that...that just pulls people in, if you ask me. I heard you and Priscilla talk about some other ladies that you're actually dating."

Y/N looked at her in slight surprise that she actually heard about his relationship with Dakota, Rhea and Tegan. It wasn't the biggest secret, but more one that he would've liked to keep, although it would only be a matter of time until someone found out. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that Vicky now stood in front of him, startling the young man.

Vicky:" Oh I didn't mean to spook you, Y/N."

Y/N:" What are you up to, Vicky?"

Vicky:" I wanna give you a little treat for your victory against Marty tonight."

Now that Y/N finally caught on, he had an idea himself as he took out his deck of cards from his pocket.

Y/N:" If we're going to do this, then we're going to play a game by my rules. There will only be one of each card. The lower tier the card is, the least important the piece of clothing we have to take off will be."

Vicky:" Oooh interesting. What else?"

Y/N:" There's no jokers. If we draw a King, Queen or something like that, we have to take off a bigger piece of clothing."

Vicky:" And what about the ace?"

Y/N:" When the ace is drawn, the one who got it is allowed to tell the other what to do. It can range from something simple like getting coffee to...well, anything you can think of~."

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