Short interception: tall, sweet, and good to eat...

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Hi guys! I'm taking a little break so I wanted to write a little something before I go! Ya know, finals is coming up! I hate it but I gotta study or ima be in some big trouble! Welp hope ya enjoy! Love ya guys!)

Deku's POV

I made it just in time. I looked at my All might watch as the door shut behind me. I looked around the cafe I was working at. "Deku! You are so lucky you made it just in time! You were about to be late!" I heard a sweet, cheerful but angry voice come from behind the counter. Uraraka. "Yeah yeah! I know I'm sorry!"

She huffed as she couldn't help but smile. "I'll let you off this time buster! Only cause you aren't ever late!" She winked. I laughed and went to go set my stuff in the locker room. I put in the apron and stood next to Uraraka.

I looked out at all the customers. We had a lot more than usual.

"There is suppose to be a fashion model coming today! That's why we have a lot more than usual! I'm so excited!" Momo yelled from the other side as she was taking orders. The people sitting down in front of her agreeing.

"I-I see!" I stated as I started getting the pastries in order.

"I can't wait! Shoto Todoroki is coming here!" Uraraka screamed. I looked at her confused. Who was this person.

Uraraka looked at me knowing I was confused.

"Todoroki is only the hottest model of all time! He is the best! Like omg! We all think he is totally gay to! I mean the way he looks is super cold but he's actually really nice!" She went on rambling, I thought that was my job.

I laughed. "Wow Uraraka he seems pretty cool if your talking about him like this. I guess I can't wait to see him." I said taking the next persons order while Uraraka was dying.

-Sometime later-

I heard the bell ring. Everyone started screaming and taking pictures from out side. There were body guards who opened the door for a specific person.

I looked up from the coffee machine and began to felt my heart race.

Uraraka was screaming. Momo jumping up and down.

And me on the other hand. My jaw was dropped open. He was.


Todoroki POV

I got out of the black limo that pulled up to the cute little cafe.

People were screaming as my guards held them back for me.
Smiled my usual smile and waved as the took pictures.

My butler helped me out as my expensive shoes hit the ground.

"Thank you very much Iida..." I said as he closed the car door. I looked out at the people who laughed and smiled. It made me feel warm. I started walking to the door as Iida came to open it for me. I walked in and it was wonderful.

Sure you would expect me to think it was awful because I am rich but no way. I loved the blue and pink. And how the had clouds and music playing.
I smiled and laughed.

I looked at the people inside. They cheered and whistled. I smiled. I then turned my head to the people at the counter. I felt my heart speed up as I saw a boy with green hair, freckles, and a nervous smile on his face.

So. Cute. He looked like a little lamb! Awwww!

I walked over and smiled taking off my round, shaded glasses.

"Hi there!" I said cheerfully. Two girls beside the boy squealed and told me hi. I laughed and looked down at the green haired boy.

"Hi there cutie..! Will you be taking my order..." I asked.

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