Ch. 3

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No ones POV
Todoroki looked down in shame. He was useless if he couldn't use his powers at the same time. The fact that Midoriya kissed him didn't matter. The fact that Midoriya left a mark didn't matter. He grabbed some gauze and rapped it around his neck to hide the mark 'How did he manage to dominate me in that moment..? Did I freeze..? He's Midoriya how..I should be overpowering him..- The weight of the thoughts he had in his mind made him feel weaker. -What's happening with me...I use to be stronger..but..- Recovery girl soon entered, 'You May leave child..but try to be more careful..' She smiled. Todo nodded as he left the room.
'Jeez...all these hurts...'
Maybe you should just go die huh...? It would be much better for everyone...didn't
you see how poor Kirishima looked...Midoriya..Bakugo..your letting everyone down..
'No...that's not true...I tried my best...I really did!!'
The voice was new...Todoroki was trying his best to ignore it was hard...

It...was truly hard living in a world have Psychotic disorders (hallucinations, delusions.)

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to write lately...there were...a bunch of things going on...but I'll try to update some more if you really like it...comment is you like it I guess... we'll cya guess!! :3

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