Chapter 4

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Third POV
Todoroki walked down the halls his head down..feeling tired and annoyed. He thought everyone should be in class by now. So he headed to his class. As he walked in everyone stared at him. It made him itch. 'Please come in and sit.' Mr.Aziawa
stated at Todoroki. He nodded as he bowed in apologies and went to his desk behind Izuku. Kirishima looked at him and mouthed. -I'm glad your ok Todoroki, you had us worried there!- He smiled and turned back around. Todoroki smiled. He was glad Kirishima cared.
They continued on with their day as if trying to pretend nothing happened. He was tired, but he decided to go for a walk anyway. 'Hey! Todoroki!'
Someone called. He turned to see Kirishima running to him. 'Hey Kirishima!' Todoroki said as the red head caught up to him. 'Can I walk with you today?'  Kirishima said. Todoroki nodded happily as him and the sharp tooth walked together. Kirishima didn't have his usual smile on. He looked lost in his thoughts.. sad.
This confused Todoroki and he went straight on to asking questions. 'Hey..Kirishima are you ok..?' He asked. Kirishima looked at Todoroki in shock. It was true. Todoroki never really asked anyone if they were ok. On the other hand.. Kirishima had no idea if he was ok.
Tears dropped from the bottom of his face. What was going on? Blood lay there along with petals. Yellow ones at that.
Todoroki looked at Kirishima in fear.
Kirishima looked back in the same way.
Kirishima dropped to his knees.

(Sorta like dis but he's in his clothes

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(Sorta like dis but he's in his clothes. :3)
Kirishima looked up at Todoroki. Crying. This stunned Todoroki. He'd never seen anyone so happy and cheerful as Kirishima cry.
'T-Todoroki! I have the Hanahaki disease! And its for Bakugo..' He said in between sobs. Todoroki fell beside him. 'Oh dear...well I really do think he likes you back..I mean I see the way he looks at you sometimes.' Todoroki stared patting Kirishima's back. The red head started to calm down. 'Maybe your right.' He'd smile. Todoroki nodded. He stood up and took Kirishima up with him. He gave Kirishima a look. -Go to him..and talk it out.- Kirishima nodded and started running away thanking the half and half.
'I don't wanna hurt anymore..' He said quietly.
He kept walking along the way helping people that had problems.
All these thank you's were starting to build up on him.
-I save them. But who's gonna save me..?-
He thought. He got back to the Dorms as he got in.
Izuku sat on the couch as he looked up at Todoroki. 'Where have you been! I told you we would meet after school! I was worried sick Todoroki-kun.!' He yelled at Todoroki. He took it in although Izuku meant no harm.
Izuku then pulled him into a hug. 'Please don't scare me like that.'
Todoroki hugged him back. 'Sorry Midoriya.' His voice soft.
It was getting late. And the went to their dorms.
Todoroki went into his and changed into his pajamas. He sighed as he was very tired. He rolled to his side. He closed his eyes as he remembered a song.

(You can listen to it if ya want! I heard of it an it just popped in my mind! Hope ya like it! -w-')
He opened his eyes after the song finished hearing a knock at his door. He looked at it. It got louder and louder as he stepped back.

He had a flash back of his father barging in his room after banging on the door.
He shook his head and went to open it.
Bakugo stood there..looking a bit shocked. And out of it.
'Bakugo..? What's wrong..?'
Todoroki said as he opened his door more.
'Kirishima...' He said..
'Threw up blood.'
Bakugo finished.
Todoroki froze. -Kirishima didn't tell him he thought.-
'Do you know about his you half and half bastard..?'
The blonde said. He was obviously scared for his friend... his crush.
Bakugo looked at the male confused.
'Fuck! What's going on!? Why did he fucking tell you and not me!?' He raged.
'I only found out just a couple minutes ago.' The slightly taller male replied calmly.
'...What does it mean...why is this happening..?' Bakugo asked.
'He has Hanahaki.' Todoroki said plainly.
'What in the living hell of ugly deku is that?' Bakugo asked. Todoroki rolled his eyes.
'Hanahaki. Where you have feelings for someone, but you are to afraid to tell that someone. You throw up blood and petals the color of them expresses the person. It is very hurtful, and if kept inside long enough a full grown flower will pop out you mouth..making it hard and somewhat impossible to breath. It can be removed through surgery but the feelings for the person will be removed, and if not and you tell the person and they reject does go away but you may diagnosed with depression. Basically one-sides love.'
Bakugo looked at Todoroki shockingly. 'How in the grave of motherfucking deku do you know all of this..?!' The blonde grenade yelled. ' can really stop with that!' Todoroki snapped back.
'I know cause I've had it for some times now.' He went back inside and grabbed a jar. He brought it back out and showed it to Bakugo. In there was a Green flower. Bakugo shivered. 'You like that broccoli head don't you..?' He asked. Todoroki nodded. 'And Kirishima likes you..' Todoroki said. Bakugo jumped, and blushed. 'I knew it was bothering when I said it. You didn't know if he liked another person...he likes you..'
Bakugo ran down the hall to Kirishima's door and shut it. Todoroki smiled and set the jar back down.
Todoroki yawned and layer down in bed. And went to sleep fast.
It's very tiring after helping everyone with everything and you save them but who saves you..?

(Welp there ya go! Hope ya enjoyed! I know I didn't write, still got some issues to work out.. but I'm here for you guys! Feel free to leave suggestions! Love you guys! Cya next time!)
Word count: 1037

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