Such a SINomin bun~

193 9 54

At the ship childrens house they chill at~

Paperjam: *speaking with Bluescreen*

Gradient: *doing his own thing*

Pallette: *hanging out with Goth and Time*

Goth: ..So um, brother, why are you so freaked out about Si-

Time: *casually panics and shushes his younger half brother* Shh, don't say his name..! if you do he'll come..! *whisper shouts this*

Pallette: *gives Time a curious look* Dude, why are you scared of him? He's practically harmless~ *laughs*

Time: *looks away embarrassed* shut it, star boy. Look, you haven't been victim to his stalking yet, okay?- wait- Where'd he go?! *visibly panics*

Goth: *smiles slightly* um, Kron, c-calm down, I'm sure it's all fin-

Time: *still panicking slightly* No no, you don't get it, Goth...! Where is he..?!

???:where's who?~

Time: *screeches and throws scythe at them* SIN WTH?!?

Sin: *cackles* oh, my bad Timey~ what? Did I hit a...soft spot?~*smirks*

Time:*moves behind Goth and puts hands on his little brother's shoulders* you're my shield.

Goth: wait wha-

Sin: *suddenly behind Time* that ain't gonna help ya~

Time:*releases a startled noise and teleports*

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