Chapter 16: the Chunin Selection Exams Begin

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Team Darui is standing in front of the Academy. Memories then rush into Naruto's mind. The entrance exams, the pranks on Iruka. Speaking of Iruka, Naruto knew he'd have to meet up with the Academy Sensei at some point during his stay. Anyway, Naruto walks into the building, with Pakura following close behind. Once inside of the Academy, Naruton remembers Darui, who says, "Go to the third floor, and find room 301. That is the room where the first test in the Chunin Exams will start."

Pakura then follows Naruto up the stairs to the second floor. She is confused for a moment, but dispels the Genjutsu, as does Naruto. The duo ignores the crowd of Genin, and then continues up to the third floor. They stop when Naruto hears Sasuke speak. He says, "Dispel the Genjutsu!"

The disguised Izumo asks, "So you noticed the Genjutsu, huh?"

Sasuke replies, "Yeah this is the second floor. Sakura here has noticed it before me. She's the smartest one on my team, and even has the best Chakra Control too. Right, Sakura?"

Sakura just nods, before she says, "Sure, I totally noticed the Genjutsu!"

The disguised Kotetsu says, "You sure about this? I mean this is the toughest Exams you'll ever go through. Death, and mental breakdowns are a common thing during these exams."

The disguised Izumo, and Sasuke then rush at each other. Izumo a kick, and Sasuke a punch. They get stopped by a green blur. The said green blur then lets go of the shinobi, and looks to Sakura. He says, "Hello! You must be Sakura Haruno! I am the most youthful Rock Lee! Will you go out with me!? I'll protect you with all my might!"

Sakura answers, "No, sorry you are two weird!"

Rock Lee then says, "Then I shall fight Sasuke-san for your honor!"

Anyway, under Gai's leadership, Lee has acquired a number of his sensei's personality traits: he is energetic, optimistic, and hot-blooded, and shows the epitome of a "nice guy". He believes that one cannot dislike food and shows strong dedication to his promises; when this promise is broken, just barely, he assigns himself arduous training to prevent it from happening again. Lee speaks respectfully to others, never using contractions or swear words and always addressing people with appropriate honorifics (except his teammates, since Lee feels they are close enough to be spoken to informally). He also carries a small book and pencil to recall advice that Gai gives him over time.

Despite his passionate nature, Lee has also shown strong instincts, staying focused at the task at hand and rarely losing his composure. He has a keen sense of honour and respects his opponents, refusing to hold grudges against those who have defeated him, and returning favours to those that have helped him.

Lee has shiny black hair, round eyes with prominent lower eyelashes, and very thick eyebrows. His hair is in a bowl-cut style; he wears a green jumpsuit, orange leg warmers, and a red clothed Konoha hitai-ate worn as a belt. He has bandages around his forearms up to his fingers, covering a set of stitches on his hands that were caused by his rigorous training.

Sasuke then replies, "You're on!"

Naruto the creates a single Shadow Clone to watch the fight.

In a huge, and empty room, Sasuke is facing down Lee. They get into their respective Taijutsu stances.

Sakura, and Naruto are watching. Naruto then speaks up. He says, "Sasuke will lose this match if it's purely Taijutsu."

Sakura jumps a bit at Naruto's voice, but asks, "Why do you say that?"

Naruto answers, "See the stance that Lee is in, it's the starting stance of the Gōken (Strong Fist). The Gōken is used by Might Gai. Gai is the Taijutsu Master of Konoha. I train under him for a while, not long enough to master the style, but just enough to get the basics down. Well, actually, I only know the basics from Kakashi-nii. Gai also uses the Hachimon (Eight Gates). The Hachimon are eight specific tenketsu along the chakra pathway system. They are used to limit the flow of chakra within an individual's body. Ordinarily, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential, the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion. With training, individuals can learn to remove these limiters, referred to as "opening" the gates. With each opened gate, individuals are given access to more and more of their body's chakra, thus increasing their physical strength and speed. Ninja able to open the Eight Gates have existed since at least the time of . There have been three users since Madara has been alive Might Gai, his father Might Dai, and Kakashi-nii, If Bushy Brows there can use the Hachimon, Sasuke will lose in a heartbeat."

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