Chapter 10: the Death of Gatō

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 It's late at night, Darui, and Naruto have sneaked out of the house, and found Gatō's mansion.

Gatō's mansion is placed at the top of a cliff, which hangs over a swamp. It had a stone wall protecting it. The mansion is somewhat huge, and it looks like a standard Japanese mansions from the era. Nothing much to say, but it is completely decked out. Everything in the mansion was a symbol of a status, and only fit for the wealthy to own. None of it used, the "collectables" just sat their collecting dust, with the occasional dusting.

Their is only two people guarding the gate of the stone wall. Mercenaries at the best. They are strong, but are comparable to Genin since they don't use chakra. They wore the same type of samurai armor, despite not being a samurai.

Naruto, and Darui were quite a ways away from them, and the blonde had the perfect jutsu for this. Naruto gather lightning chakra into his hand, which changes it to the color. He extends his hand out in front of him, and yells, " Kuroi Kaminari: Chidori Boruto (Black Lightning: Chidori Bolt)!" A short bolt-like arrow then shoots from Naruto's palm, and goes through both of the guards' hearts.

They then Shunshin to the gate, and enter the compound. Silently killing every guard that they saw. And then came Gatō's personal office. It's where he spent most of his time. They slip in, with Naruto, who even placing a Hiraishin Formula onto the door. Gatō says, "Welcome to my office, Kumo-nin. I was wondering when you'd show up. I guess you must have found out about the fake Ryo. So I heard extra protection! You can come out now!"

The first one is named Suien, and the second one is called Suika.

Suien was a power-hungry shinobi that would even hurt and kill people from his former village to gain power and get what he wants. He describes himself as being a very impatient man. Suien was also very condescending and brutal towards his opponents, even if they were once his students.

Suien had long spiky hair, small dark eyes, and a goatee. He wore a dark blue jacket, grey pants, sandals, and a bandanna that held his hair out of his face.

Suika was a very apathetic individual showing little or no interest in the fact that he was being pursued or even his pursuers. He had also displayed a brutal side, willing to kill the young shinobi after they tracked him down.

Suika had a head of short green hair, black, heavy-lidded eyes and no eyebrows. He wore a sleeveless black shirt, an obi around his waist, a pair of pants, sandals and a sleeveless, high-collared, blue and orange jacket. He also wore bandages around his wrists and ankles.

Gatō then says, "You know what you two got to do to get paid! Kill those two worthless Kumo Shinobi, who betrayed me!"

They start to do hand seals, but Naruto creates a Shadow Clone. The two Naruto's rush the bodyguards, tackling them through a window. As all four of them are going through the window, Naruto yells, "Yari (Spear)!"

The Shadow Clone dispels, and Darui jumps down to the ground. Darui is facing Suien. While Naruto is facing Suika.

Suika then does some hand seals. Monkey → Bird → Dog → Ram. He yells, "Katon: Kaen Senpū (Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind)!" A spiralling flame erupts from Suika towards Naruto.

Naruto quickly goes through hand seals. Tiger → Hare → Boar → Dog. As he smashed his hand into the ground, Naruto yells, "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)!" An earthen wall then comes up from the ground, blocking the fire attack.

Suika does another string of hand seals. Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger. He yells, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!" Suika then puts his hand up towards his mouth, and spits a huge fireball at Naruto.

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