Twenty Four

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Mara sat up abruptly, the memories still playing in her head. Why had they left her with those memories? Did they want her to know that there was a way out of the maze? Were they... helping her?

"Mara! What is it? What'cha see?" Newt asked in a rushed sentence. He was sitting beside Mara, holding her hand with both of his.

"There's a way out of the maze." She replied, it was the only thing she was still trying to process. Why would they tell her now if the others had been looking for an exit for over three years? Newt furrowed his brows in confusion.

"We've searched-"

"I know there is." Mara interrupted. "I was never meant to come here Newt, you know that. But now I know more."

Newt paused, wanting her to continue but something was stopping him from asking her to go on. "Don't tell me too much yet. You've been out for a few hours. Alby's in a gatherin', but he wanted to be here when ya explain everything. Stay here."

He made a bolt for the door, in such a rush he didn't even bother to shut the door behind him. Mara listened to his footsteps as they echoed through the Homestead. She sat there as she waited. She was starting to piece together what memories her dreams had provided her, but most of it was still a blur she couldn't figure out.

Newt returned with Alby, like he said he would, and they both hurried towards Mara. Newt took a seat where he had before, Alby stood behind him.

"What happened." Alby asked in a calm tone.

"It started with Newt." She turned to the boy she was talking about, explaining it to him rather than Alby. "You were put into a long tube which filled up with water. It was like they were drowning you."

"They drowned me?" Newt tore from Mara's eye contact, looking down at the bed sheets she was lying on. The hurt shone on his face and Mara couldn't bare it. Her eyes flickered up to the doorway of the room where Minho lurked in the door frame, nodding her to continue.

"Yeah. But they did it to me too." Mara told him, squeezing his hand a little before his eyes met hers. "I remember the day before I got here. At first I was talking to Tommy in my dream 'bout going to the Glade. Said since my mum's important or something I wasn't going to the Glade, but I wanted to. I wanted to be here. I mentioned someone named Andy again, I was talkin' as if the kid was my brother. After the chit chat everything came back from that day. I threatened to tell all of the Gladers what was going on, why we are here, but they chose to wipe my memories instead. Stop me from having the temptation I guess. They drowned me, but I don't know why.

"After I woke up in a surgery with my memories intact. Apparently a girl was able to prevent from me from loosing all of my memories, which makes sense with the dreams I have. They're the memories comin' back. Somehow W.I.C.K.E.D. found a way to stop them. That was the last one. But now we know, if I found a way inside the maze myself, then there's a way out. And I know it, if I can dig it out of my memory." Mara explained.

"What's wrong?" Minho's voice rose from the door, all three of them turning to the boy who was talking to one of the Med-Jack; Clint.

"Ben's missing." He said, turning to Alby, Newt and Mara to announce what he had to say. Panic spread through everyone's face, including Mara. Over the few days she had been in the Glade she had learned what happened during the changing, and it had never been good. Ben being missing definitely wasn't a good thing.

"Shuck it. Can't you shanks keep 'im still for five minutes?"Alby asked Clint with a mix between anger and disappointment. He started for the door, turning to Mara and Newt. "Stay here." He demanded.

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