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Mara made her way back over to the tree she had sat under the day before, watching the Gladers work. She was to start her first day of work the day after her tour, so she sat there wondering what she was going to do. Hopefully, she wasn't going to work in the Blood House. Just thinking about it made her skin crawl.

The brown haired girl stood, deciding she wanted to explore a bit more. She walked over to the Homestead, she hadn't got the chance to look around because of that idiot Gally. Although she didn't go inside, she decided to walk around the building and get a full scale of the homestead instead. That and she really needed to find their toilet since she'd need to go at some point. Better to find them sooner than later. There it is she thought, the toilet was at the back of the homestead, in a port-a-potty.

She noticed the plump boy from when she woke up in the Glade hiding by the small dusty window peeking into the toilet, he was perched on top of a large wooden box. What was he doing there? Then she noticed. Someone was inside. Mara stopped and furrowed her brow, he spotted her and lifted a finger to his lips. What was he about to do? He reached his hand up to the window and gently tapped the glass. Nothing happened. Then he tapped it again. The window slid open and a head popped out. Mara couldn't quite see the figure from where she was stood, he was shadowed by the Homestead.

"Who's that!" The boy yelled, his voice full of anger. Mara knew straight away who the voice belonged to, and if the kid was caught the results wouldn't be pretty.

It was Gally.

Panic spread across Mara's face, in fear for the boy. Before she could do anything the boy jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs. A loud crash came from inside the bathroom, Mara smirked at the scared bully. He deserved it. Swear words erupted from beyond the door as it swung open.

"I'm gonna kill you, shuck face." He screamed, but the boy was gone, running towards the open Glade. A thick smile was laced on Mara's face, before she realised he was walking towards her. Her smile disappeared and she turned around as if nothing had happened and followed the kid's pathway into the open area. At least if I'm in the courtyard there will be witnesses She thought.

She got to the area near the Box when an unfriendly hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backwards, making Mara fall to the ground. A few people looked their way and walked over, sensing the start of something.

"What the shuck?" She called out, she had done nothing wrong. The Glader word rolled off her tongue, it was as if she had used it before in her past life. She did recognise the maze. Fear took over the small girl, was she the reason all of those boys were trapped there? Was she the reason she was trapped there?

"What do you think slinthead? That was you wasn't it!" He yelled, bringing his fist back, ready to attack.

"You bloody harm her and I'll personally make sure the keepers vote for a banishment." Newt called out, grabbing Gally and pulling him away from Mara. By then a crowd had formed around them, all watching with wide eyes at the dissolving fight.

"Newt." Mara called as she got to his feet. A sudden burst of confidence swept through her as she looked into the eyes of the enemy, Newt by his side. "I can deal with him."

Newt looked between Mara and Gally, mostly at Mara. His teeth were clenched, as if he was battling with himself over what to do. In the end, he reluctantly nodded and released Gally from his grasp. As he did a boy reached out to Mara, lightly holding her shoulder. She turned to face the boy, his green eyes softly dug into hers. Adam. He smiled at her, as if encouraging her to talk to Gally. His three friends stood behind him, all smiling back at Mara.

"Just for the record," Mara began, taking a step towards Gally with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "It was me. No one else, me. But who can blame me? I saw an opportunity to scare the big bad bully, and let's admit, it was pretty funny. No, it was hilarious. Frickin' hilarious. And, lets be real, you really deserved it."

Her || The Maze RunnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora