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I was able to get time to finish this chapter and update it!! :D Sooo here you go:

She held the boy's gaze as he stormed over to her and grabbed the top of her t-shirt her violently. crumpling it into a ball in his clumpy hands. He had taken her by surprise, what had she done now? She always seemed to be doing something wrong.

"Stop messing with my head!" Gally practically screamed at her, Mara had to lean backwards to try and avoid the anger produced spit fying at her. What did he mean? How was she supposed to be messing with his head. "You did this! Get them to go-"

The boy's grip on Mara softened before he took a step backwards. His head twitched to the left but his eyes grew wider with fear. He was planted to the ground as if something inside of him had changed, he wasn't the same.

"Gally?" Mara asked, daring to step towards him. He didn't move. He just stared at her with those cold, dark eyes.

"I have a message from W.I.C.K.E.D. for Mara." His voice was strange, as if he was someone else. It sounded computerised and demonic, it was a woman's voice, as if someone was talking and Gally was just mouthing the words.

He was being controlled. Just like Nick had. She didn't know how she knew that, but she did. Somehow, she knew that W.I.C.K.E.D. or the creators, were controlling Gally.

"How dare you disobey us Marie. You were never meant for the maze, it will destroy you. Of course you don't remember, but you have been very bad. So bad you could ruin everything. That's why you arrived in the maze. That's why you're different. It's because you are a pointless mistake. You are no longer my daughter, Marie. I am very disappointed in you, and so is everyone else." The woman's voice echoed throughout the Glade, leaving her every word behind her. Before her presence disappeared, she turned to the shaggy blond boy standing to her right. "Newt. I know what you did. You influenced her."

The woman speaking was Mara's mother, she had to be. Her mother had just told her she didn't want Mara as a daughter. She had disowned her. Her very mother.

It was too much to take in. How had she disobeyed her mother? She had to have done something extremely bad, but what? And how was Newt involved?

"You." Gally's voice scraped through Mara's head like fingernails on a blackboard. "Nick was right. The changing showed me who you really are. You're a monster."

Alby stepped in front of Gally, but that's all Mara noticed. Her vision had fogged with tears. She felt as if she had been stabbed repeatedly in the heart, right where the pain lingered. She was just a mistake, the reason she was in the maze.

Mara scrambled away from the crowds, hands reached out to her but she knocked them away, she just wanted to be alone. Her first instinct was to run and hide, but that would just get her banished. She barely heard Alby call a Gathering, a meeting to discuss the topic of the day. Her.

She'd go, but if they mentioned Newt she wasn't going to say anything. What did Newt have to do with her? She knew that she had known him before the maze, but now she knew they had been good friends at the most. She had known him well, which was why he was involved in whatever was going on.

For the first time since she had arrived, she wanted to sleep. She wanted to see the memories, to remember what she had done.

"Mara?" Newt's voice called to her over the commotion. She looked up at the boy towering above her through blurred vision, squinting to try to see clearer. He knelled beside her. "Alby's called a gathering. I don't know whats going on, M. No one does. They just want to know what's happening. I'll try get Alby to call it off but-"

"Just try to get him to postpone it. I'm going to sleep, to try and find some more memories. Tell him if you have to, tell him about my dreams and this Tom guy." Mara asked, she needed another look at the puzzle pieces of her life before.

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