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Mara spun around, as did Newt, upon hearing her name although Thomas remained fascinated by the maze with Chuck by his side. Alby was walking towards them, but he didn't seem angry or upset, he seemed... calm.

"We need to talk." He said, reaching the girl who now stood in front of him.

"I have spoken with all of the keepers in private, too keep greenie from sniffin' out anything suspicious, and we've made a decision 'bout you." Alby told her. What was he going to say? "I know newbie's name is Thomas, one of the shank's from your dream. We're gonna wait it out and see what happens for now, just don't do anything to get on everyone else's shuck bad sides, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear." Mara replied, saluting him as she walked backwards, back too the boys. Before she got there she stopped, looking at Alby as she spoke."Thanks, Alby. Really."

Alby nodded and the two of them turned simultaneously, heading in opposite directions.

"What'd he say?" Newt asked eagerly as Mara reached him. She was smiling, the Gladers had forgiven her, kind of. It made her smile, especially knowing she was off the hook for a little bit, even if not for long she would be able to walk around the Glade like everyone else. She could chill, no questions, no harassment, just time in the Glade with Newt and her new friends.

"He knows about Thomas. Said to wait it out, see if he knows anything or if anything else happens I guess." Mara told him, realising something as she spoke. She smiled. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Course I bloody well did." Newt winked and Mara rolled her eyes. As he spoke the shape of a runner rounded the corner, coming closer to the Glade's entrance. Minho.

He was glaceed with sweat but still kept the same pace, passing the group as he did. He hardly glanced at Chuck and Thomas but he flashed a smile at Newt and Mara as he passed, heading for the concrete building near the box. Thomas followed Minho with his head, gawking in interest with wide eyes and a curious mind, no doubt.

Other runners all looking ragged and tired began to enter the Glade from all four entrances just as Minho opened the iron door to the building and was engulfed by its walls. The rest of the runners joined Minho inside the building and a few minutes later the building held them all.

"Who are those guys and what are they doing? What's in that building?" Thomas asked in a rush, it was like he couldn't contain the amount of questioning he had. Mara wished him good luck when it can to the tour with Alby. "And why do you live inside a freaking maze?" The boy seemed fed up, frustrated that he didn't know anything, but it didn't surprise Mara. She'd be confused over anything if he wasn't.

"I'm not saying another word." Chuck replied, shaking his head.

"They're called runners."Mara said, giving in to the boy's questions. He deserved to at least know one thing, and for that point in time he was going to learn about runners. "Only people allowed in the maze, you hear me?"

"You should get to sleep soon Tommy, gotta get ya used to the wake up and, well, not like there's shuck all for you to do till the tour." Newt told him. Then he turned to Mara who was still standing by his side. "I better go check back with Alby, make sure he's handling the bloody kid. You know what its like when someone's in the changin' and Ben's not exactly the greatest at dealing with pain."

"Good luck." Mara sympathetically smiled at Newt who did the same thing before turning and walking back to the Homestead.

"It's about to happen." Chuck said from behind Mara and when she turned back to the two boys she saw Chuck holding a finger to the air. The fact that the walls were about to close didn't faze anyone, except Tom.


Again, the sound of stone against stone tore through the Glade followed by the ground crunching against the walls but it seemed quieter this time. Maybe it was because Mara was getting used to the walls or maybe she was just going deaf. Thomas stumbled backwards at the sudden new sound, tripping and falling to the floor. The boy searched around him looking for an explanation. Mara walked over to him, kneeling in front of him.

"Calm down Tom, it's gonna be okay! It's just the walls." Mara yelled over the noise although she didn't know if he had heard her or not, he was too fascinated, scared and confused by the walls that moved closer every second.

Eventually with one last rumble of energy the movement reached its ending. Everything that linked the Glade and the maze was gone, replaced by four walls forming a barrier between the two.

"Wow." Thomas sighed, letting out a long breath of relief. Mara stood up and held out her hands, which Tom took, pulling him to his feet as she laughed at his relief. Tom studied Mara's face as if trying to remember something, it wasn't clear what he was thinking but she knew what the look on his face was. Recognition.

"Ain't nothin', as Alby would say." Chuck mumbled, walking over to stand with Thomas and Mara. "You kind of get used to it after a while."

The three of them stood there for a while, Thomas staring at the wall with Chuck and Mara watching him. He was probably trying to clue things together, to figure out what was going on. Looking at the boy made him seem more familiar, she knew it was him from her dreams and she wanted to hate him for haunting her, but she couldn't.

In her dreams Tom had helped her, he had told her things she wouldn't have known if he hadn't. They jad been friends before, so why not be friends after their memory wipe? Mara could only hope Thomas had dreams/memories too.

"Come on." Chuck tugged at Thomas' shirt, tearing the boys attention from the wall. "Trust me, when nighttime strikes, you want to be in bed."

"Good idea Chuck. I'll see you two around." Mara said, waving the two of them off as she turned and walked away. She wanted to see how Ben was doing. The screaming had stopped, so maybe everything had calmed down a bit.

When Mara approached the Homestead door she pushed it open, smashing it into a tall body.

"Sor-" Mara stopped, she wasn't going to apologise to him. He didn't deserve it. Mara had other things to say to him. "Sadly they let the most annoying person have the quickest recovery. How is that, by the way? You bribe the shanks or something?"

"I've had enough of you for one day. Get out of my way slinthead."

"You know, you really should be nicer to the daughter of the woman who possessed you." Mara smirked, blocking the exit. She certainly wasn't done talking.

"Alright, I have one more thing to say to you." Gally grinned. "A message from your mom."

Mara felt herself grow paler, but she couldn't show it. What did her mum want? Surely she had said everything she had wanted to when she spoke through Gally, what more could she possibly have to say? Maybe she wanted to say sorry, but that was doubtful. Maybe she wanted to tell Mara again how bad a daughter she is, or was. Maybe, she just wanted to tear Mara apart like a hound, and who better to do that than Gally, her least favourite person she had contact with.

Mara fought herself, she had to be strong. She had to make Gally think she wasn't fazed by whatever message he had for her, she kept telling herself she could take it. She could deal with whatever he was going to say.

"Actually, I call her my mum. Since she's British too, or she should be since I am, she's a mum." She told him, but all he did was roll him eyes. The changing had effected him, it had stopped the stupid remarks, the hatred was still there but it felt programmed. It was like Gally had been told he had to hate Mara.

"She told me to tell you to enjoy Newt while he lasts."

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