What You Left Behind

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Something was wrong.

"Gloria, your scaring me." He said as he breathing began to acelerate.

"Its- It's Juniper. My niece, my little girl is in a comma." She whisperd and he heard her cry.

Tyler's world suddenly stopped.

"No, that's- that's- your lying." Tyler stutterd. She was fine, she was okay. His June wasent in a comma, his June was at the hospital fast asleep.

"I- I have to go, to see her and be with her. I know how much you care and love her, it was only right for me to let you know. It's what Juniper would have wanted." She said in a shaky and gruff voice.

"Thank you, Gloria. It means a lot. I'll meet you there. Do you want me too pick you up? Your in no condition to drive, you shoudint-"

"My boy, call me Aunt G. And no, It'll help if I drive. It will be a good distraction in the meantime. " she said and Tyler could hear her rummaging around for her keys.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll meet you there, and please don't hesitate in contacting me. If you need to call me twenty times, so be it." Tyler said as he held the phone between his ear and shoulder while he yanked some black sweats on.

"Bless you my boy, drive safely please." She said and his heart warmed up at her words.

"Same with you Aunt G." He said and hung up.

He quickly threw on a navy blue hoodie and his black and white Nikes which were the first things his hand grabbed. He grabbed his keys from the counter, as well as his headphones and a pack of cigarettes.

After locking everything up, he hopped in his car. Rolling down the windows, plugging in his headphones and lighting up a cigarette, he started the drive towards Santa Monica.

Twenty one pilots blasted through his ears as he took a swig, inhaling the smoke letting it settle through his body and then releasing it. He forgot how good it felt, and he could almost hear Juniper cussing at him.

"You know that can kill you right?" Juniper said as they lay on the grass outside of the stabbles. She was watching me smoke while scrunshing her nose.

I took a swig and practically blew it on her face making her squirm.

"Your so bad." She complained.

"You love bad." This make her cheeks reden, and she looked away from me. I held in the laughter that threatened to spill out. Gosh, she was so cute.

I shrugged, but placed the cigarette on the grass and stepped on it with my foot. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Look who's talking, the one that used to sneak into bathrooms just to take a swig." I shot back, and I was rewarded with the sound of her contagious laughter. God, I loved the sound of her laughing.

"And remember how you forced me to practically waste the hole fucking perfume bottle on you? That's one of the reasons Gloria started suspecting you was hanging out with a guy." I continued and she laughed harder.

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