Chapter 9

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A searing pain shot through Phoenix's head, he slowly opened his eyes. The bright lights burned his retinas, causing his hand to spring up to his face to cover his eyes. Another extreme bout of pain shot through him, this time in his shoulder, causing him to let out a loud moan. Only then did he realise how dry his throat was.

''Hey stay still dummy. You're just gonna cause more damage,'' A familiar voice spoke, letting out a huff of fake annoyance.

''Hey, Maya.'' He croaked in reply, pushing himself up a little in the bed with his good arm. He realised how numb he felt, however it only seemed to be his legs he couldn't move. Everything else was just... tingly.

When he did so, he realised he wasn't in his own bed but in a hospital bed. His eyes scanned the room. There were flowers and cards on the nightstand, and a heart rate monitor steadily beeping. A needle stuck out of his bad arm, connected to an empty pouch of what he assumed was some kind of painkillers as they clearly weren't currently working.

''How you feeling?'' She asked, getting up from her chair and standing by his bed.

''Like I'm dying,'' He laughed, stopping when he began to cough violently.

''Hey take it easy. Here, drink some water.'' She handed him a glass of water. He took it gratefully and drank it quickly, sighing in relief. Suddenly, his face fell.

''What's wrong?'' Maya said worriedly. Nick put down his cup.

'' he...'' He trailed off, tears filling his eyes. Maya gulped.

''No luckily but...'' She looked down. The tears in Phoenix's eyes began to spill over his cheeks.

''But what?'' He said, the tears blurring his vision.

''But things aren't looking good. When the paramedics and ambulance arrived you were both out cold. Luckily, they were able to keep you in a somewhat stable condition, but they had a hard time with Miles. He'd already lost a lot of blood so there wasn't much they could do. He's in the room a couple doors down from yours but he's on life support and things really aren't looking good.'' Maya said sadly, her own eyes filling up with tears as well.

Phoenix let out a strangled sob, his whole body going numb. He couldn't believe it. Miles couldn't die, not after everything that'd happened this last week.

''But, on a higher note,'' Maya said, trying to pick Nick's mood up, ''You'll be out in the next few days and, on top of that, Amy was found guilty of the murder and two accounts of attempted murder so Julian has been released. He said he'd come to visit when his brother...'' She trailed off, her enthusiastic tone losing its conviction.

''I need to go now. I need to go see him.'' Phoenix said, slinging his legs over the side of the bed. His legs had begun to grow tingly, so he was slightly more confident walking on them.

''Nick no. You can't just walk out the doctors and nurses will be mad at you!'' Maya said, trying to lift his legs back onto the bed.

''Nick yes!'' He replied, trying to take the needle out of his arm but stopping when it hurt too much, ''I need to see him, Maya. Please just let me.'' He took a shaky breath, standing up. His head immediately begun to spin, causing him to stumble slightly and land right back on his bed.

''Nick, I'm serious. You can't leave yet. I'll go get a nurse and see what they say. Get back in bed and stay there until I get back.'' She said sternly, walking towards the door.

''Fine,'' Nick said miserably, tucking his legs back under the covers. He needed to see Miles, and he needed to see him now. he didn't know how much longer he could deal with any of this.

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