Chapter 8

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"It's just up here," Miles said, walking into a fancy looking apartment building. The three had been walking for about 20 minutes, neither Nick nor Miles had let go of each other's hand for the entire walk. Maya couldn't help but smile at the thought. She was so happy her friend had finally found someone who loved him back. She knew about the incident from when he was in college with Dahlia, so it really did fill her heart with joy knowing he'd finally have a relationship that was a loving and functional one.

"Come on Maya, you're dragging behind!" Nick called back to her, before being dragged into the building. Maya shook her head.

"I'm coming!" She yelled back, jogging to catch up and get inside too.

The interior was as impressive as the exterior. The walls were a deep, rich red, and the carpet was as well. It was clean, with house plants in the corners of the room livening up the entire atmosphere. People were all around, but not just any people. Rich people. Their clothes were polished and clean and expensive-looking, their faces tight and scowling. It took Nick a moment before he realised that they were looking at them. Hard not to really. They were dressed so casually and with Maya in her spirit channelling attire, it was hard not to stare.

"Ignore them. Let's just go quickly." Miles mumbled to them both, suddenly pulling him quickly to the elevator. Maya jumped in after, Miles hit the button for his floor and the doors hastily closed.

"Thank God we're out of there," Nick said letting out a deep sigh of relief.

"Tell me about it." Maya chuckled, "I don't think that many people have been staring at me before. They looked ready to throw us out."

"Hm. They always look like that at Julian and me. Just ignore them, they've all got silver spoons up their arses anyway." Miles rolled his eyes, looking annoyed. Nick rubbed his thumb up and down Miles hand, calming him.

"It's fine, really. Let's just get the papers and get out of here." Nick smiled at him. Miles smiled a small smile back.

"Yeah!" Maya said, enthusiastically, throwing her arms around their shoulders, "We're going to get this crazy bitch taken down!" Miles and Nick laughed.

After only a few more seconds, the doors of the elevator pinged open and they all walked out, Miles leading the way to the apartment. He stopped in front of the door.

"Ah. Sorry, it'll be a complete mess. Just wait out here and I'll be out in a second." Miles said, unlocking the door and walking inside.

Nick and Maya idly chatted, waiting for Miles to return.

5 minutes had passed, when they heard a sound from inside. A loud shout could be heard from further in the apartment. Nick's eyes widened, Mayas did too as they both jumped into action. Running as fast as they could into the living room.

Vaulting over chairs and piles of clothes they ran and stopped in front of the door the noise had come from. There were grunts of pain coming from behind it.

Nicks breath caught in his throat.

"Miles!?" He yelled, jiggling the door handle to no avail. It was locked.

"Phoenix go! Run while you still can!" He heard Miles shout from behind the door.

"Yes Phoenix, do as your boyfriend tells you and scram! This is between me and him." A female voice said. It was Amy.

"Amy let him go!" Maya yelled, banging on the door.

"Or what? You're going to call your dead sister on me? It won't work you wimpy lawyers just go back to your office while I deal with this snitching nobody!" She replied. Miles let out a yell of agony. Tears filled Nick's eyes.

"No!" He began shoulder barging the door while Maya quickly dialled the police.

"Phoenix please leave I don't want you getting hurt!" Miles yelled again, clearly struggling behind the door.

"I've already told you, Miles, I'm not leaving!" Phoenix said, still slamming into the door. The adrenaline pumping through his bloodstream held back any pain he should have felt in his shoulder.

The door began to give in, the lock slowly breaking.

"You're too late Wright! He'll be dead any minute now!" Amy said through the crack in the door.

"No!" Nick screamed, ramming into the door harder and harder, the tears streaming down his face.

The front door burst open, startling Nick and Maya.

"It's the cops!" Detective Dick Gumshoe yelled, running over to the pair, "Mr Wright move and I'll bust it down." Gumshoe ran at the door with all his strength and smashed it in half, the splinters flying everywhere.

Miles lay on the floor, blood slowly streaming out of a gash in his neck and two large slits on either side of his mouth, similar to those of a clowns make up.

"Oh my God." All three of them said in unison. Amy was stood over him, grinning with a large carving knife in her hand.

"And," She said, turning to them, "You're all next!" She lunged at Phoenix, pinning him to the ground. He yelled in pain as he bashed his head on the floor. The world began to wobble and shake until it eventually went completely black. The last thing he felt was searing pain as Amy's knife plunged into his shoulder.

wOOP OK ITS ALMOST TIME GAMERS RNDJD so this was a wild one to write lol. i won't be answering any questions about what happens to miles or phoenix or amy sadly but!!! im going to post the next chapter very very soon, probably tonight bc it's friday so i'll have more time. aNYWAY IM GONNA GET ON with that now bYEEEE - Alec

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