Chapter 3

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''So,'' Phoenix began, ''Can you tell me what happened that night?'' Phoenix said, clicking his pen open.

''Of course,'' Amelia said, scooching forward on her chair slightly, ''Miles was with us all night. He came to our apartment at around 4 pm and didn't leave until nearly 7 pm the next day. We had dinner at 6, takeout pizza as we usually get when he's round, and we just watched tv most of the time. We've all been friends for years so we never really do much else. We never really leave the apartment because of Miles'... ah... status,'' She said, putting air quotes around 'status', ''Then we didn't all go to bed until at least 4 am. Chicago PD is just that intriguing I guess.'' She laughed slightly.

''Right.'' Nick said, noting down what she said. If she was telling the truth, which he assumed she was, Miles really truly can't have committed the murder. If he can be accounted for from 4 pm till 4 am, then there's no way he could've done it himself. It's just impossible.

''Do you... Do you think you can get him acquitted, Mr Wright?'' Julian asked nervously, as Amy massaged small circles into his hand with her thumb.

''I'm confident I can, yes. But I have a few more personal questions about the matter that could be important.'' Phoenix said nervously. Julian gulped and looked down at his old sneakers. Nick could tell he'd had them years, with their torn laces and the faded colour. And he thinks he knew why he still wore them to this day.

''While I was researching your brother, I found a few things about you two that are quite... disturbing,'' He said anxiously, ''Could you tell me about the DL-6 incident? At least what you know about it, anyway.''

Julian gulped and tears pricked his eyes. He hadn't thought about this for a while, and Nick could see that. Amy shifted her chair closer to his and wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder, pressing her lips to his hair.

''It's ok, Jem. Just take your time.'' She muttered, rubbing his arm. He nodded and looked back up again. Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks.

''It was 15 years ago. I was 4, Miles was 9. I... I remember my dad being in court that day. He rarely bought us both along to watch him, but that day was a special treat. I remember begging and begging to go in with him and that day he finally gave in. I remember getting in the elevator after the trial and it breaking down. The other man in the elevator began to panic and panic. Papa told Miles to hold me in the corner while he tried to diffuse the situation. Then I heard Miles crying,'' He sobbed, ''He was panicking too, shouting for the man to let our papa go and leave him alone but he wouldn't. They all kept screaming and screaming and screaming. Then when the doors finally opened, papa had passed out and so had the man. Miles lay on the floor too. I lay next to him squeezing his hand as tight as I could. Then a loud gunshot rang out and-'' He choked on his words and bawled into Amy's chest as she stroked his hair lovingly.

''You're so brave,'' She muttered, ''You did a really good job there. Well done.'' She said, gently twisting his dark, curly hair around her pale finger.

Phoenix could figure out the rest. Those moments in the elevator where Gregory Edgeworth's last moments alive, and those poor children's last moments with their father.

Julian took a deep breath as Nick offered him a tissue box.

''Thank you,'' Julian said, looking up and taking the box, still softly crying. He wiped his eyes and blew his nose, throwing the tissues and all the bad memories that crawled around his brain into the trash bin by Phoenix's desk.

''Thank you, Julian. That was very brave of you. I'm sorry to have to bring up all these painful memories but they'll all help to build a picture of who your brother is. You're being extremely helpful.'' Nick said, smiling at the boy.

''Anything that'll help Miles,'' Julian said the determined look back in his stormy eyes.

''Ok then, what happened to you and your brother after the incident?''

''We went to live with one of his old friends. Manfred Von Karma, and his daughter Franziska. Miles lived with us until he was able to afford his own place, then as soon as he knew he could support me too, he got me out of there. Von Karma loved him. Well, that's a strong word but he certainly preferred him to me so the year without him was tough. But when I finally did I knew something was... off. I was 14 at the time, and even then I knew Miles was struggling for money, so I began working whenever I had a free moment to help bring in more money. Then, as I began to record myself singing and produced albums, more and more money began to come in. My first album dropped when I was 16, and he's rumoured to have begun all his crimes at 19 so-'' He cut himself off, fiddling with the drawstrings of his faded green hoodie.

''So... what?'' Nick prompted, staring intently at him.

''I just... I don't think he's done all those terrible things. They say he does them for money, but with both of us working night and day to keep a roof over our heads it just... doesn't seem plausible.'' He went red.

''No I agree. I think something bigger is at play here, so I need all the help and information I can get from you two.'' Nick said determinedly. Amy nodded in agreeance.

''Yeah. He's just... I've seen how hard he's worked for Jem and I see how hard Jem's worked for him. Why would he commit hundreds of terrible crimes and throw away everything he's worked for and everything he loves? He just isn't that type of person, I know that for a fact.'' Amy said, creasing her brow. Julian nodded.

''His trial's tomorrow at 10 am, so I'll go start preparing. You two have been incredibly helpful, thank you so much. If you think of anything else that'll be important for tomorrow, here's my number. Text me any time with any little bit of information, it could save the case.'' Phoenix said, scribbling his number down on a scrap piece of paper and passing it over the desk. Julian took it and put it in the pocket of his jeans.

''Thank you ever so much, Mr Wright. We'll see what we can do.'' Julian smiled, standing up. Amy followed suit, holding his hand.

''Oh, before you go,'' Nick said, just before they opened the door, ''Miles wants to talk to you about something, Julian. It seemed important.'' He saw Julian's face drop slightly.

''Ok, thank you. In a bit, Mr Wright.'' Julain said, walking out.

''Goodbye Mr Wright. Thanks again!'' Amy said, closing the door behind her.

As soon as they were gone, Phoenix picked up his cellphone and immediately called Maya.

''Maya, we have to talk about the case. Something seems off.''

''What do you mean?'' She replied, ''What kind of 'off'?''

''Just... Off- off. Come to my office so we can talk more about it.''

''Ok, see you in a minute.'' She said, hanging up.

He took a deep breath. It felt horrible to admit it, but Nick really didn't trust Julian and Amelia.

oof this is one hell of a cliff hanger ladies and gents but don't you fret, the next part will be out soon! if you have any criticisms or questions just comment and I'll let you know!! thanks a lot for reading, i really hope you're enjoying it so far! I'll see you soon, bye! - Alec

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