Chapter 4

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Nick took a deep breath. He didn't know what to believe anymore. He didn't know who to believe. Miles' only alibi and he couldn't trust them. This was going to be harder than he thought.

He shook his head.

"What are we gonna do then Nick?" Maya said, worriedly.

"Honestly? I don't know. We don't have anything to go on and no evidence proving it wasn't him. This is all going to crap very quickly and it's worrying. We need to go talk to Miles again. We can trust him." He said, assuredly.

Maya nodded, "I still don't fully trust him, but from what you've told me, we can't trust them either so we don't have much to work on." She said, standing up.

"Yeah." He took another deep breath and stood up, walking to put on his coat.

They walked out the door, locking his office, telling Apollo they were going to talk to a client and to take any cases that came their way while they were gone.

When they arrived, Maya fidgeted, playing with her hair.

"What's wrong Maya?" Nick asked as they waited for the guards to fetch Miles. She just shook her head.

"Nothing, really. I- I just feel bad about making you take this case. I have a feeling there's a lot more to this than there is at the moment." She looked down.

"No don't worry about it. Really. That happens with most cases so it's fine. Anyway, it's been a while since I've enjoyed visiting someone at a detention centre." Nick said, smiling a small smile. Maya's eyes widened slightly and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Has it now." She said, raising her eyebrows and smirking.

"Shut up," Nick said playfully, rolling his eyes, "Not in that way."

Just as he finished speaking, the door on the other side of the glass opened, and Miles walked in accompanied by 2 guards.

"Mr Edgeworth," Nick said, standing respectfully and smiling at the man.

His hair was tussled slightly, making it look softer than the usual hard and spiked look it had. He looked thrown in general, his normally tough and hard exterior was cracked by something or someone.

"Mr Wright." Miles said, taking a seat. Nick followed suit, as did Maya.

"We're here to discuss your alibi." Nick said, taking out his notebook.

"Yes, there was something I needed to discuss with you regarding that." Miles said, gulping slightly.

"Oh, well then, in that case, go ahead." Nick said, looking up from his notes.

"I- I didn't want to say too much in fear of incriminating Julian but... You can't trust Amelia. All will be revealed at the trial tomorrow. She has Julian wrapped around her finger. How I'm not sure but I know he's in danger. She wasn't in the apartment on the night if the murder, she's lying and has blackmailed Julian into lying too." He said, visibly shaken.

Phoenix's brow creased. He knew he couldn't trust them but he didn't realise that Amy was... She seemed like such a sweet and innocent girl and Julian seemed so madly in love with her. It really made him think of someone...

"That's actually what I needed to talk to you about. I wasn't sure if you'd say anything though. Thanks for telling me.  I'm going to need you to tell me everything that happened that night. No covering for anyone." Nick said, pulling out his pen from the inside pocket of his jacket. Miles took a deep breath.

"Ok. I got to their apartment at around 4 pm. Only Jem was in at the time. We ordered pizza at around 5 and turned on the TV and watched Modern Family until the food arrived. We ate, drank tea and watched Chicago PD until about 4 am. Amelia didn't come back until 11 pm. Bear in mind the murder happened at 10.30 and the body was found approximately half an hour from the apartment. I can be accounted for during that time, she can't." Miles said determination filled his eyes. Nick blushed slightly and smiled. This case was as good as won.

"Do you have any pictures or videos of you and Julian from the night? If you don't that's fine, with your testimony and Julian's you should be alright but it's just as an extra layer of proof." Nick said, just finishing writing down everything Miles had said. He nodded.

"Yeah. Julian will have thousands on his phone. The amount he takes is almost unhealthy. He'll have some." Miles said, smiling slightly. Nick couldn't help but blush slightly at the sight of his smile. It was, for lack of a better term, hot as hell. He gulped back the thoughts, pushing them to the back of his mind.

"Right," He said, clearing his throat, "Thank you for your time, Mr Edgeworth. I'll see you in court tomorrow." Phoenix smiled.

"Yes, I suppose you will. Goodbye Wright." Miles said, standing as the guards led him back to his cell.

"Goodbye, Mr Edgeworth." Nick said, just as he left the room.

When they arrived back at the office, Nick sat down. He tried to put together his case, but it was impossible. His mind kept wandering to a certain man. He shook his head, shaking any thoughts of him out of his mind. He couldn't let feelings like that cloud his judgement or case.

He finished preparing the case and hastily put everything in his suitcase. After the exhausting events of the day, all he wanted to do was go home and get a good nights sleep.

The trial came around quicker than Nick would've liked. He had the evidence, he had alibis but somehow his stomach still churned at the thought of the entire situation. Thoughts of all the events of the previous day zoomed around his mind, causing his brain to pulsate with pain. He took a sip of water and sat down.

"Are you ok Nick? You seem a bit... off." Maya said, her brow creasing. He looked up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous is all." He said, taking another swig of water.

"Don't be. We've got this case in the bag!" She said enthusiastically.

"Yeah you're right," He said, though he wished he believed it, "We're going to smash this case wide open and get Miles acquitted," Nick said, standing up.

"Alright! Let's go!" Maya said jumping up and walking towards the courtroom. Phoenix followed close behind, taking a deep breath before walking through the large oak doors.

However, not much good would come of this trial.

sORRY NOT SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER LOL. i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! let me know what you think and any criticisms, I'd love to hear them!!! it's nearly 4 am now I'm gonna sleep lol byeeee - Alec

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