Chapter 2

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Phoenix nodded. It would be a good idea to start from there.

"Ok so," He said, "Where were you on the night of the murder." Nick pulled a small notebook and out of his pocket.

"Well that's easy," Miles said, "I was at my brothers apartment. We were just drinking tea and watching TV." He continued, nodding assuredly.

Wow, Nick thought, of course he was drinking tea.

"Can he confirm this?" Nick asked, chewing on the end of the pen.

"Of course he can. I just said he was there didn't I?" Miles said, his eyebrows creasing. Phoenix sighed.

"Yes I know but as far as we know you could be lying. Just... don't be difficult." Nick said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not being difficult you're being difficult by not trusting me." Miles said, raising his voice slightly.

"Mr. Edgeworth please just calm down. If you want a to be fully cleared then you need to work with me and not get wound up so easy." Nick said, trying to use a calming tone. Miles just rolled his eyes. Who did this guy think he was? He was trying to get him out of jail for murder and possibly a billion other crimes. He should have some damn respect.

"It's not as if I need you, Mr. Wright. I could get any lawyer I wanted, so you aren't special." He meant back, crossing his arms. Nick could feel Maya practically shaking from rage.

"Listen here you spoiled brat. You may be able to talk to Julian like this but you sure as hell can't talk to my friend like that so apologise or enjoy rotting in jail for the rest of your life. Make up your mind." Maya said angrily. Nick was slightly shocked. He'd only ever seen her this worked up once, and even then it wasn't this bad. It seemed to have worked however, because Miles looked equally as taken aback.

He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Mr. Wright and Miss Fey for being so rude. I'm just stressed about the situation so I apologise for my behaviour." Miles said through gritted teeth. His brow was deeply furrowed and his eyes had this spark in them that sent a wave of unease and uncertainty through Nick.

"Alright now everyone's calmed down a bit, we can go talk to Julian. I know you said he was there but it's to get a testimony." Nick said, smiling slightly. Miles smiled a small smile back, nodding.

"Ok. Could you tell him something for me?" He said, standing.

"Sure. What do you want me to tell him?" Nick said, following suit.

"To come visit me. We need to discuss something important." His face hardened.

Phoenix creased his brow slightly but didn't question him. "Ok, will do. I'll see you later, Edgeworth."

"Goodbye Mr. Wright."

Nick hung his coat up and closed the door to his office. The case seemed pretty open and shut really. Crime boss decided robbery wasn't all he wanted from his life and took it a step further. But from what Julian had said he wasn't so sure. When he had spoken to Edgeworth, though he did seem agressive and defensive, he didn't seem like a murderer.

He shook his head. That's what they say about a lot of murderers to be fair, Phoenix wasn't sure what to believe anymore. He sat down and put his head in his hands. This was not going to be easy.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Ah. Come in." Phoenix said, sitting up straight and taking a sip of his now cold coffee.

In came Julian.

"Oh hello Julian." Phoenix said, standing and reaching across the desk.

Julian look his hand, shook it and sat down.

"Your assistant told me you'd spoken to my brother. How'd it go?" Julian said, tucking away his earphones.

"It went alright. Certainly better than I'd expected. He cooperated a lot more than I was expecting to be honest with you." He chuckled, so did Julian.

"Yeah he can be a bit stubborn at times. Sorry if he caused you any trouble."

"No it's nothing really. There was a small... mishap along the way but it wasn't anything significant."

"Ah that's good then. What did he say?" Julian leaned forward slightly.

"He said he was with you on the night of the murder. In your apartment I believe."

"Yeah that's right. A new season of Chicago PD just came out, we were binging it together." Julian smiled slightly. Nick couldn't help but smile too, purely from the irony of that.

"Did anyone else see you two together?"

"Yes. My girlfriend was home at the time too, she knew we were going to hang out." Julian went slightly pink at the mention of his girlfriend.

"Right. Would you be able to contact her and ask if she'll talk to me?"

"Sure. She'd probably be more than happy to." He said, pulling out his phone.

Nick nodded, watching as he made the call.

"Hey Amy. Yeah I'm alright, you ok? Good. You know that lawyer firm not far from our place? Yeah the Wright one. Can you come over here? The guy wants you to talk to him about the other night. Ok. Love you, see you in a minute, bye." He hung up.

"Ok she's on her way." Julian said, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Ok thank you. Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions while we wait for her?" Nick asked, leaning forward on the desk.

"Not at all. Anything as long as it'll help Miles." Julian said, the look of determination returning to his eye. Nick smiled slightly and nodded.

"Alright then. Where were you on the day of the murder?"

"At home with Amy. I don't tend to leave the house much, only when Miles needs stuff doing for him."

"Did Miles do or say anything suspicious leading up to the day of the crime?" Julian shook his head.

"Nah. We tell each other everything. And I mean everything. He would've told me." Julian said assuredly.

"Ok then. So-" He was interrupted by a knock at the door. That must be Amy.

"Come in!" Nick said loudly, as the door creaked open.

Girl walked through the door. She was average height with a skinny build and brilliant blue eyes that glimmered like the ocean on a clear sunny day. Her brown/gold hair was tied up in a messy bun and her glasses were large and round. She had a spattering of freckles over her nose and on her collar bones. She wore mom jeans and a large baby pink sweater which hung off her frame.

"Hello. I'm Amelia Grenburg." She said, approaching the desk. Her voice was soft and subtle, almost like a mouses.

"Phoenix Wright," He said, standing up and reaching out a hand, which she took happily, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And you too. I see you've met my boyfriend already." She said, taking a seat and interlocking her and Julians fingers. He smiled lazily at her, as though in a daze.

"Yes. He's been very helpful with the investigation so far. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?" Nick said, smiling slightly. He remembered what it was like to be young and in love. So pure and innocent.

"Not at all, ask away."

hey guys it might be a couple days before i upload again just because these chapters are pre written but the next ones will be written as i'm going so we shall see how that goes lol. i hope you enjoyed it, bye! - Alec

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