Chapter 5

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''Is the prosecution ready?'' The Judge said, looking down at Winston Payne. It'd been a while since Nick had faced Payne in court, he couldn't say he was looking forward to doing it again.

"Yes, Your Honour.'' He said, shooting a devilish grin at Nick. Nick gulped.

"Is the defence ready?''

"Yes, Your Honour.'' He was nervous. Sure, Miles had an airtight alibi but he just had a bad feeling about this.

"Then let's begin. Mr Payne, your opening statement?''

''Yes Your Honour. Two days ago, a poor, defenceless young ladies life was cut short by the man sat over there, Miles Edgeworth. How do we know he did it, you may ask. Well, it's simple. There was a witness!" Payne said a devilish smile plastered his face, looking Nick directly in the eye. He gasped. There was a witness!? He had a very bad feeling about this.

''Very well,'' said the judge, ''Then I call the first witness to the stand.''

The doors to the courtroom opened and Nick's head snapped around, staring at the person walking through the doors. Mad couldn't even begin to describe the boiling feeling in his veins as he saw who it was.

''Amelia!?'' He gasped, shocked. How dare she lie to his face, then testify against the man she was trying to protect! He knew she was lying, but this was something else entirely. He severely doubted she had witnessed the murder if anything he had a sneaking suspicion she had something to do with it.

''Hello Mr Wright.'' She said, softly, smiling sweetly at him. His face fell as the Judge and Payne played into her act. The entire scenario did remind him of an incident a few years back.

''Witness, please state your name and occupation to the court.'' The Judge said softly.

''Oh.. I'm uh... sorry,'' She chuckled, ''I'm a little nervous. I'm Amelia. Amelia Grenburg. But most people just call me Amy,'' She said, smiling another sickeningly sweet smile, ''I'm an animation major at the local college.''

''No need to be nervous, Miss Grenburg! What you're doing is incredibly brave.'' The Judge said, smiling down at her. Nick scrunched his face up disapprovingly.

''Miss Grenburg, would you mind telling the court the events of that night?'' Payne said, giving her the same look he'd given Dahlia. Nick let out a sigh of annoyance.

''Not at all,'' She said, smiling yet again, ''I was in the apartment I share with my boyfriend, Julian. A new season of Chicago PD had come out a few days before so we were going to watch it that night and make a little date out of it when he got a mysterious phone call from his brother, Miles Edgeworth. After a couple minutes of talking on the phone, he said he had to go, and with that, he just left. No mention of where he was going. I always thought he was a quite anxious person and hates going out at night so it was highly unlike him to just walk out like that, so I followed. I was worried for him, so I felt like I had to,'' She took a deep breath as if collecting her thoughts.

''I followed him to some dark, out of the way warehouse, about 15 minutes from our apartment. There, he met up with Miles and they talked. I only heard parts of the conversation, they were saying things about 'getting the job done' and 'how we could finish it all for good'. I was terrified, but I stayed hidden behind a crate, listening in. Not long after, another person came in, a woman. She walked up to them both and began talking to them too. She was saying about how 'it was all wrong' and sounded as though she was trying to talk the boys down from their plan. That's when she pulled out a gun and pointed it at Miles. He looked genuinely shocked and afraid. It was terrifying.'' She took another deep breath, crying a little.

''It's fine, Miss Grenburg, it's not your fault. Would you like some water?'' Payne offered.

''No, thank you. You're very kind for offering though,'' She smiled, drying her eyes.

''That's when something very unexpected happened. Julian pulled a .22 calibre long gun out of the waistband of his jeans and shot her, right through the head. I'm surprised I didn't scream, I just ran. As fast as I could to get back home before... he did. I couldn't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't. All I can hope is now I won't suffer the same fate that poor poor young lady did.'' She said, looking down.

''Nothing bad will happen to you, my dear. I think it's clear what needs to happen now. I call Julian Edgeworth to the stand-'' The Judge was cut off by Phoenix.

''Objection!'' he shouted, ''I haven't done my cross-examination yet, sir!'' He said, looking determined at him.

''Ah yes... well ok Mr Wright just try not to stress her out anymore than she already is.''

''Miss Grenburg, it says here in the police report that the site of the murder was 30 minutes from your apartment, while you say it was 15 minutes to get there. Care to explain this?'' Nick said, shooting her an icy glare.

''I was worried for Julian. I merely lost track of time is all.'' She said, shooting hin an equally as cold glare in return.

''Right,'' He said, coldly, ''How did you know the exact type of gun he used while murdering the victim when you say you were surprised by him pulling it out?'' He walked towards her and made eye contact. She starred back.

''I knew he owned the gun, it belonged to his father. He said he had bought it to protect him and Miles when they were young and he also said he only kept it to remind him of his father.'' She said, her face consciously softening to play further into her facade.

''Will that be all, Mr Wright? Can you not see Miss Grenburg is getting upset from your intensive line of questioning?'' The Judge said, with considerably more maliciousness than he'd had for the majority of the trial so far. Nick sighed in discontent.

''Yes, your honour.'' He said, standing back behind his desk. He was so close to cracking her. He could feel it. But he also felt so far from the truth, it was unreal.

''Well then, I call Julian Edgeworth to the stand.'' The Judge said as Julian was led in by guards.

He looked over at the boy. He looked distraught. His already naturally curly and messy hair was even more so and his face was stained with tears. His arms were wrapped around his body protectively and as he looked up at Nick his eyes became flooded once again.

''Julian Edgeworth, where were you on the night of the murder?'' The Judge asked, with more malice than he'd shown Nick and considerably more than he'd shown Amy.

''At the abandoned warehouse. I was alone, though. Miles wasn't there.'' He said looking down. Nick's jaw dropped. He can't have. He was at home he had evidence.

''Objection! He was home with my client then!'' Nick yelled, slamming his hands on the desk.

''Objection overruled.'' the Judge said, ''What happened in the warehouse?'' He continued.

''I- I murdered her. Shot her through the head with my father's pistol.'' Julian said, choking on his tears.

''Objection! He can't have!'' Nick said again, trying to get Julian to stop incriminating himself.

''Objection Overruled,'' The Judge repeated, glaring at Phoenix, ''In that case, take him away.''

''Julian!'' Miles screamed, standing abruptly, causing the guards near him to close in.

''I'm sorry, Mi, I couldn't watch you go to prison again,'' Julian said, still crying as he was dragged out the courtroom.

oooof folks that was a rough one. ill have the next chapter up tomorrowish bc i have some emo shit coming ur way lol. also!! merry crimbo!! november flew by sooo quick lol. bye!! - Alec

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