Chapter 1

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''So... Will you take his case?'' The mysterious boy asked. He looked around his late teens, with dark and large glasses. He had long, lanky legs and a generally bony physique, though Nick suspected this was a logical ruse, knowing where this case was coming from. His dark, stormy eyes were determined and vigilant, though the way his chewed his bottom lip and tangled his fingers together exposed his true anxieties. Phoenix sighed.

''I'll look into the case further and think about it. I'll contact you when I've made my decision.'' He said, smiling a little to try and lift the boys hopes a little. He nodded.

''Alright. Thank you, Mr Wright. Just... let me know as soon as possible, ok?'' he said, standing up and preparing to leave. Phoenix followed suit and stood too.

''Of course. I'll let you know as soon as I can. Thank you for coming to us with this case.'' He said, sticking out his arm to shake his hand.

''It should be me thanking you,'' he said, shaking his hand, ''No one was even willing to consider helping him before you. Though to be fair I don't blame them.'' He continued, running a hand through his hair laughing slightly. Nick chuckled slightly.

''Yeah, it is a big ask if I'm being honest with you. But if he means this much to you, I'd be happy to look into it further.'' He said, smiling kindly. The boy smiled too, nodding and smiling.

''I'll be off and leave you to your lawyer business then. But please. Do consider this case. I've read about your other ones and all the people you've defended. You always seem to get the right verdict, even if it's guilty. My brother isn't a murderer, he may not be a good man but he's no murderer. I know that for a fact. He's being set up. I can feel it.'' He said, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his skinny sweatpants. ''In a bit, Mr Wright.'' He stuffed his earphones into his ears and walked out, leaving Nick to his thoughts.

Miles Edgeworth was the biggest and most notorious crime boss in Tokyo. He orchestrated robberies and kidnappings all over the city pretty much on a weekly basis, but there was no evidence to connect him to any of the crimes. Everyone just kind of knew he did it or at least called the hit on the person. It wouldn't be beyond him to commit a murder. However, there was something about the desperation in the boys eyes that drove him to begin looking into the crime boss.

The deeper Phoenix searched, the more he found. Articles that were long since forgotten of incidents from over 15 years ago, photographs of Mr Edgeworth from when he was a young child to recently. The more he searched, the more he realised Miles Edgeworth could not have committed this murder. Sure, it fit his style and even had his gangs calling card at the scene of the crime, but it would have been impossible for him to have even been at the scene of the murder.

2 hours later and he was still in a daze of looking through old files and articles when Maya burst into his office.

''Nick,'' She yelled, ''Please tell me Apollo is joking and you aren't taking on Miles freaking Edgeworth's case.'' She stormed over to his desk and slammed her hands on the table, staring directly into his eyes. Nick gulped.

''Well I might be. But listen, here's the thing he-''

''I don't care!'' Maya interrupted, ''I don't want you getting kidnapped if you lose. You know how his gang can get when someone messes with them and I think losing this case would be like randomly walking up to one of them and kicking them in the balls! Are you insane?'' She continued to shout, worry and anger filling her eyes.

''Maya listen to me,'' Nick said soothingly, ''Nothing bad is going to happen. I won't lose.'' He smiled comfortingly and Maya's face softened slightly.

''Yeah but still,'' Maya said in a much more reasonable tone now than before, ''If you lose that'd be lying. Sure he may not have committed the murder but think of how many people him and his gang have hurt and affected. It'd do the city a world of good if he was off the streets.'' She stood up straight and crossed her arms defiantly.

''That's the thing though, from what the boy told me, he isn't a bad person. Sure in his teen years he did a couple of unreasonable things but everyone does something irresponsible at that age,'' Nick continued, shrugging his shoulders, ''besides, the kid seemed really worried. He also referred to Edgeworth as his older brother so-''

''You met Julian Edgeworth?!'' Maya yelled again.

''Oh is his name Julian? He never told me-''

''How do you not know who he is? He's only the hottest singer of this generation! In all meanings of the word hot.'' Maya said, swooning slightly, ''I can't believe he was in this very office! It's incredible.'' Maya continued to smile and endlessly ramble about the boy, basically giving him his entire life story. Nick thought back to the scrawny, scruffy boy from earlier. Sure, he wasn't bad looking but 'hot' was not the word to describe it. Then again, the 'bad boy' stereotype was all the rage nowadays.

''We have to take this case, Nick!'' Maya said, confidently, knowing he would give in easily. Nick just sighed.

''Changed your tune pretty quick huh?'' He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

''Whatever, Mr Edgeworth will be down at the detention centre, we need to go question him!'' She said, heading towards the door.

''Hey! Wait for me!'' Nick said, grabbing his coat and hurrying after her.

They arrived at the detention centre 20 minutes later and requested to see Edgeworth. They walked into the visiting room and sat down in front of the glass and waited for the guards to bring him through. he fidgeted in his chair. He'd never admit it but he was nervous. As a teenager, he remembered hearing stories about Miles Edgeworth. He was the same age as him but yet he was painted to be much older. ''If you stay out too late, Miles Edgeworth and his gang will kidnap you and never bring you home.'' Only silly old tales meant to scare kids into not missing their curfew but he was nervous all the same.

Then he walked in. Lead by two guards. Nick could tell why his younger brother was such a heartthrob because he certainly did not get all the looks of the pair. His jaw was angular, his eyes a stormy grey, just like his brothers. However, unlike his brother, his hair was sculpted perfectly, every strand defying gravity. His general physique, while still skinny, was a lot more built than his brothers and he wasn't much taller. Everything about him screamed 'leave me alone unless you want a broken nose' and Nick lived for it. He stood up to greet Edgeworth, trying his hardest to remain calm.

''Hello Mr Edgeworth, I'm-'' Nick started.

''I know exactly who you are, Phoenix Wright. Julian told me all about you.'' He said, sitting down. Nick blushed. He had a British accent as well? He knew Julian had one but he didn't realise Miles would as well!

''Ah right well,'' He said, clearing his throat, ''I'm here to tell you I'll be defending you at your upcoming trial,'' Miles smirked.

''Jem did tell me he put on his best puppy dog eyes to win you over. I have to admit, I'm impressed. Normally anyone will give him anything with him being so famous and everything. Are you really either that dense or that reclused that you don't know who he is?'' He said, though he didn't sound angry. Just strangely glad.

''Yeah well, I'm not into all this new music. Far too depressing for me.'' He said. Maya kicked him under the table.

''Anyway, we're here to discuss what happened on the night of the murder and where you were so we can build a clear picture of what happened, ok?'' Nick said, leaning forward slightly.

''Before I tell you anything Wright, know that you're playing a dangerous game you're destined to lose,'' his face hardened significantly, ''Even I know I'm basically fucked at this point.'' He leaned back in his chair.

''Let's get me an alibi then.''

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