Why Tumbling?

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I began tumbling when I was about eight.

I mean, I never really thought about sports... I tried some, but I didn't even stick with them but I remember I saw my friend in the field on the playground in 4th grade, doing a pretty kartwheel and front hand spring....

And I fell in love with the sport.
I asked her where I could start, and she showed me a gym she goes to.

My first class was a bit embarrassing.... I wasn't flexible at all...... But I stayed with it and I soon became better and better.

Haha I remember going home excited about getting a graceful kartwheel.

I looked up tutorials, and watched the Olympics.
I put all my time and energy into the sport, thus living and breathing gymnastics. It was a bit creepy lol.

I was so determined to be the best and be like the gymnasts I saw on TV... And that drive pushed me through and I am now the gymnast I am today because of it:)

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